Police Taekwondo`s Present Condition and Problem 인문,사회과학편 : 경찰 태권도의 현황과 과제
45(1) 1-11, 2006
Police Taekwondo`s Present Condition and Problem 인문,사회과학편 : 경찰 태권도의 현황과 과제
Firstly, when we see the police Taekwondo's history, police training school was established and put under U.S. military administration in the Seoul Sejongno on Aug 15th 1945. And Kyeongmuguk was opened under the command of U.S. army on Oct 21st 1945.
'Korea Police Executive Committee' was established on Jul 31st 1947 and physical subject was established newly because of Police special school's office reorganization Police school and commercial agent were established in each city and province on February 1962.
After the revision of official's way of training, the police was in the heyday in 1973. And office organization was announced publicly by a Presidential decree number of 875. National Police College was opened in 1981 and National Central Police Academy was opened on Sept 18th 1987. So chivalry and skill of arrest were taught to newly appointed police and executives. Taekwondo education came into effect during a lecture tour of local police for inprovement of police from May 1983 to July 1987.
Secondly, based on the present condition of the police Taekwondo education, the timetable in the Taekwondo training of the police academy shows that although there are four hour training for freshmea the second, third, and fourth year students have two hour one for a week. It means that the training time decreases as the grade moves up.
In the central police school, when new police get an education for the period of 24 weeks, they learn the ways to arrest criminals and to protect themselves called 'defensive tactics’ for 104 hours. The guides called lOl' who take charge of the protection of the president go through 84 hour training, which is less than normal preparatory learners’. Those, like SWAT, who do not pass in go there again and train for 60 hours even while on duty.
Based on the police station, as there is an instructor as a police officer, he or she trains police o出cers more than second times a week Due to the rule of the training within four hours, they must train at least one hour per week or participate in martial club activity to get high points for promotion
As a way to get a belief from police and citizens with Taekwondo being improved, there are several things to relate: an increase in the training time of Taekwondo in the police educational institutes, the activation of martial arts-instructor education in the police stations, the special appointment of awardees in Taekuvndo, the creation and supply of the new ways for the arrest of criminals, and the better plans for founding Taekwondo clubs like the police mugunghwa.
Key Words
police taekwondo`s history, present condition, problem
A Study on the Evaluation and Developmental Plan of Sports Exchanges between the South and the North Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 남북스포츠교류의 평가와 발전방안에 관한 연구
45(1) 13-23, 2006
A Study on the Evaluation and Developmental Plan of Sports Exchanges between the South and the North Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 남북스포츠교류의 평가와 발전방안에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sports exchange between the South and the North and elicit its developmental plan through examining the background of the times and the sports conferences between the South, and the North. Study findings are as follows:
1. After the division of Korean peninsula, among sharp conflicts for national structures, the South and the North had contacted each other for the constitution of a single team for Tokyo Olympic for the first time. But that atten^t was not realized due to distrust and defamation between the South and the North.
2. Since the 7.4 Joint Statement in 1972, the South and the North have attempted to constitute a single team for international sports events such, through propositions and conferences. But these attends have realized no practical results owing to the lack of positive endeavors and governmental understanding and supports.
3. Such endless endeavors for the sports exchanges between the South and the North have resulted in the constitution of a single team for the World Ping-pong Championships and the World Youth Soccer Championships at last.
As shown in the above, the sports exchanges between the South and the North so far have focused on the constitution of a single team for various international sports events. But the direction of the exchange must be diversified in the future in addition to the constitution of a single team Followings are some suggestions for the diversification of sports exchanges in the future:
First, in order to cultivate the community consciousness of Korean people, the investigator proposes the joint holding or sequential holding of internal sports events between the South and the North. Second, in order to create the foundation of national unification and enhance the national prestige of the South and the North on the stage of international sport events, the investigator proposes the joint holding of international sports events. And finally, in order to establish the national identity of Korea and the recovery of its homogeneity, the investigator proposes that both parties must jointly discover and activate traditional sports, which are native to Korea.
Key Words
evaluation and development plan, sports exchange, the south and the north
A Study On The Lee Je Hwang`s Life and Judo Thought 인문,사회과학편 : 이제황(李濟晃)의 생애와 유도(柔道)사상에 관한 고찰
45(1) 25-33, 2006
A Study On The Lee Je Hwang`s Life and Judo Thought 인문,사회과학편 : 이제황(李濟晃)의 생애와 유도(柔道)사상에 관한 고찰
The purpose of this study is to understand the contributor of Korea Judo by studying of Lee Je-Hwang's life and thought, whose is founder of judo junior school(present Yongin university). This study covers his life, thought and achievements contributing to Korea judo history. The methods of this study are use of newspapers, magazines, journals and books. The result of this research is as follows. First, Lee Je-hwang is a good judoist. Second, He is an excellent sports educator as well as administrator. Third, His thought is TOEUKANGMA-YOKEWEIN(道義相摩-欲何爲人), that is belief and love to increase each other. Lastly, He is a great scholar like a Gano-Gigoro in Japan. Accordingly, Lee Je-Hwang is a truly great judo-master.
Key Words
Lee, je-hwang`s Life and judo thought
A Study on the sportphilosophical meanings of Korean Traditional Martial Arts 인문,사회과학편 : 전통무예의 체육철학적 의미
45(1) 35-43, 2006
A Study on the sportphilosophical meanings of Korean Traditional Martial Arts 인문,사회과학편 : 전통무예의 체육철학적 의미
This study is to identify "the meanings of Korean Traditional Martial Arts (KTMA) by means of the sportphilosophical viewpoint. The KTMA could be called as the source of modem sports and athletics. With a broad sense, the characteristics and educational style of the KTMA is one of the modem physical educational(PE) methods to form a complete human through a physical activity.
I study on the sportphilosophical meaning of the KTAM in this paper. It is speculated in terms of humanities way, ethical meaning, physical educational meaning and sociological meaning.
This study particularly stresses on how the principle of the KIMA affects the modem society, which arises reconsideration of the recent/modem athletic society. When we think the practice of our KTMA ultimately can draw to be a complete human being and obtain a moralism, the problems of the modem athletic could be overcome via understanding the principle of the KTMA.
Key Words
Korean Traditional Martial Arts, sportphilosophy, sportphilosophical meaning
The Body Exercise by The Morality of Tweo-Kye(退溪) Yi-Hwang(李滉) 인문,사회과학편 : 퇴계 이황의 덕(德)으로서의 신체운동
45(1) 45-54, 2006
The Body Exercise by The Morality of Tweo-Kye(退溪) Yi-Hwang(李滉) 인문,사회과학편 : 퇴계 이황의 덕(德)으로서의 신체운동
The purpose of this study is to explore the body exercising Too-Ho(投壺) by the morality of TweoKye(退溪) Yi-Hwang (李滉). This study suggests several facts about his moral culture of the body exercise.
The results of this study revealed following;
First, Tweo-Kye(退溪) Yi-Hwang(李滉) could accomplish his achievements in the Sung conteianisiri(性理學) by the body exercising TooHo(投壺).
Second, the body exercising TooHo(投壺) developed his practical morality Kyung(敬).
Third, Tweo-Kye(退溪) could complete his ego by the edification of the body exercising Too-Ho(投壺)
Fourth, he trained his disciples to accomplish Sung confucianisrn(性理學) by the medium of the body exercising Too-Ho(投壺)
Fifth, TweoKye(退溪) devoted himself to accomplish his practical morality Kyung(敬), furthermore his disciples followed his precepts and could accomplish great achievements.
Sixth, these days, we must inherit and develop the practical morality of Tweo-Kye(退溪).
Seventh, these days, we must cultivate Tweo-Kye(退溪) of the present by education of his edification for the whole
In conclusion, to explore the body exercising TooHo(投壺) by the morality of TweoKye(退溪) Yi-Hwang(李滉). Furthermore it is our duty that to make realize our young students the real man of virtue(聖人□子)
Sport philosophy as "doing" philosophy 인문,사회과학편 : 철학함으로서의 체육철학
45(1) 55-64, 2006
Sport philosophy as "doing" philosophy 인문,사회과학편 : 철학함으로서의 체육철학
The researchers of sport philosophy have various viewpoints, diverse academic interests and have their own methodology. So it is impossible to define the identity, scope and method of sport philosophy in simple and clear. In order to understand sport philosophy with full information, it may be of help that the activities of sport philosophers regard as the results of doing philosophy. In this paper, the activities of sport philosophers are classified into three category; speculative activity, normative activity and analytical activity. This three aspects of the doing philosophy of sport philosophers may not be mutual exclusive but rather mutual related to some degree. In a sport philosophical study, although a particular philosophical doing was chosen as a main method, the other activities are included in the study as assistant and supplementary method. Since sport philosophers are inclined to a particular aspect of doing philosophy among three activities, the differences between methods of study and between use of philosophical concepts is caused from that choices.
Key Words
sport philosophy, speculative activity, normative activity, analytical activity
Formation of the body in Japanese militarism -Focussing on the episteme in Meiji era- 인문,사회과학편 : 일본 군국주의 신체 형성의 담론 - 메이지 시대의 에피스테메를 중심으로 -
45(1) 65-78, 2006
Formation of the body in Japanese militarism -Focussing on the episteme in Meiji era- 인문,사회과학편 : 일본 군국주의 신체 형성의 담론 - 메이지 시대의 에피스테메를 중심으로 -
Recently, restoration of the Japanese militarism become the topic of all frequently. But, the Japanese militarism has not meant only the mlitary hegemonism which touched off the World War n. It;s trend appeared through the control to the body of the citizen from beginning of the Japanese modernization Before the militarism appeared in front of history, the discourse which coerced the obedience and sacrifice to nation through the discipline and training of the body had been made already.
The purpose of this paper was to make clear the Japanese militarism started from control to the body of the citizen in Meiji era. But, the main purpose of this research is not the mechanism of the political power which was done in body, but the episteme which made that possible.
In this research, the discour of the body of Meiji era was divided in three periods, that of first, middle, final stage, and the philosopher who can be represented each period was chosen as Yukichi Hukuzawa, Arinori Mori, and Tetsuziro Inoue. The episteme of the body which created by them awakens the fact that denial of the individual starts from negation of the body clearly.
Key Words
Japanese militarism, discipline and training of the body, episteme of the body
Training Process in Korean somatic culture and the Meaning of MOM-Cultivation 인문,사회과학편 : 한국의 신체문화에 나타난 수행과정과 몸닦달의 의미
45(1) 79-92, 2006
Training Process in Korean somatic culture and the Meaning of MOM-Cultivation 인문,사회과학편 : 한국의 신체문화에 나타난 수행과정과 몸닦달의 의미
This study aims to discover the somatic culture of Korea through physical education, which based on human experience using the body. In other words, looking from the viewpoint of an autonomous body(MOIV^, this study aims to explain the somatic aspect underlying Korean culture that is different from the generally understood by Western culture. This study enploys the term ’DAKDAL(cultivation)/ meaning ’cultivation^ in order to explain the educational processes of the human body(physical education), which embodies the Korean somatic culture. Thus cultivation of body, the 'MOM-Cultivation/ Fortunately the meaning of MOM as used in Korea had many similarities with the Western sense of ’SOMA/ which helps making present research cross-oilturally valid. This paper includes the definition of terms MOM and SOMA, based on which the term DAKDAL, the training process used in Korean somatic culture, is elaborated. Thus the concept of ’MOM-Cultivation/ as appears in Korean somatic culture, constitutes the basis of knowledge in this research.
1. The Korean understanding of 'body is synonymous to the ’subjective body or the 'body of energy/ represented by 'SOMA' in Western culture. Thus MOM refers to a unified whole, which includes the concept of both body and mind, or body and soul.
2. ’DAKDAL(cultivation)’ means disciplining of the body or governing one’s mind, and refers to the process of cultivation which is emphasized in Confucianism Its initial form is a passive concept but is ultimately transformed into an active concept.
The MOM-Cultivation is a corr^rehensive concept, which includes the processes of both disciplining the body and governing the mind. Therefore those who are weak in MOM(who suffer from MOM-sori or MDM-burim) and who are dishabille and dull may train themselves through MOM-Cultivatioi\ through IVDM-pulki (body relaxation) and MOM-dakki (body discipline), and revitalize and cleanse their bodies (MOM-salim) through the process of body decoration, which enables their bodies to move freely and thus ultimately leading them to nobleness and beauty.
Consideration form Basic Right that the Disabled have to Basically take Advantage of the Rights for Sports of the Disabled 인문,사회과학편 : 기본권으로서의 장애인 스포츠권에 대한 고찰
45(1) 93-102, 2006
Consideration form Basic Right that the Disabled have to Basically take Advantage of the Rights for Sports of the Disabled 인문,사회과학편 : 기본권으로서의 장애인 스포츠권에 대한 고찰
The prerequisite to realize a perfect attendance and equality of the disabled is that not only their welfare and education should be done but also the actions that they can use sporting facilities or information more easily and conveniently should be takea And it is necessary that the sporting rights be admitted as a constitutional right and their sporting rights be also guaranteed in an aspect of the dignity of man and value and the pursuit of happiness. But everyone admits that the welfare and sporting facilities for the disabled are necessary at least in rationality, and rejecting to found them in his or her region This reality result from the simple group-selfishness of the region residents, so we cannot ascribe all the responsibility to them We have to make communal efforts to have a new relationship about them and the facilities in aspects of the facilities and welfare administration, changing their consciousness about the facilities.
More and more necessary legal actions are to prohibit their discrimination because the handicap matters have been involved in all the fields and from infancy to senescence. And those are not limited to the welfare service but will have to be gradually enlarged with a bigger category about the concept of the handicap and the wide laws to prohibit their discrimination should be submitted and the accurate statistics of them should be examined. Besides, the government and the national assembly will have to play a mediate role by continuous examination and intervention in policy to protect their human rights and to improve their discrimination, and make many efforts to enforce the administrative delivery system of the welfare and enlarge an manpower and a budget. As a people taking advantage of the basic rights in a respective sight, when we take consideration of the disabled, the subject and the object will be clearly classified only when there is a definition of the concept being based on concrete thoughts, and it is easier for the government to support in policy only in case that there is a concrete work and it will be possible to promote to submit a bill related with a nongovernmental part and a practical business.
The sporting rights included in the constitution are thought to be the subject of a bill so that we can help the disabled to get their real rights back Only in case that they should be included in a subject of a law of sports promotioiv they can take advantage, and organizational efforts should be made for this.
Key Words
basic rights, welfare administration, sporting rights
The Discourse on Exercise Addiction in Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 운동중독에 관한 체육학적 담론
45(1) 103-112, 2006
The Discourse on Exercise Addiction in Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 운동중독에 관한 체육학적 담론
Addiction is something that touches us all at some point in our lives. Despite this fact there are still many misconceptions about addiction - what it is and who it affects. Addiction is a complex illness that affects different people in different ways. Most importantly, addiction affects us all, so it is crucial that everyone is aware of its dangers and signs to look out for.
Exercise addiction, in general, has roots in emotional or physical abuse, and it appears to be the result of bad habit and fantasy of exercise. In this sense, exercise addiction is characterized by the compulsion to play exercises to feel good, or to avoid feeling bad. Furthermore, the fantasy of exercise creates excitements and anticipations which often trigger an addiction People may have problems in controlling how much or how often they participate in exercises or they may need to play more to achieve the desired effect.
Exercise can change one's character as well as body shape. It is also sure that exercise affects positively in improving everyday life. However, we have to consider that exercise is not a panacea. We need to realize that exercise is good only when it is properly accomplished.
Key Words
addiction, exercise, compulsion, excitement, character, body shape
Health concept: a misunderstanding and understanding 인문,사회과학편 : 건강개념: 오해와 이해
45(1) 113-120, 2006
Health concept: a misunderstanding and understanding 인문,사회과학편 : 건강개념: 오해와 이해
The concept of health has been evolving during the past decades. The people pay attention a health primarily for happy life with family. The health is recognizing as important condition in Korean. Heath has been a core concept in the physical education field. The purpose of this study investigate health concept presented in various literatures. To realize this purpose, I suggested two themes. One is commented on Song(2000) article. The other is studied health concept presented in literature with attention to health. According to WHO, Health conclude dimensions of the body and spirit, social/ mental. Until now We only understood the body health. The result of this study is followed as: Firstly, Health is not means but objective in our life. In addition, Health concept as perfection and wholeness is an objective of the physical education Secondly, The attitude regarding our health in the media advertisement pay attention to perfection and wholeness of health concept. Recently we eat too much, therefor we dies. We exercises too much, therefor we injures. Lastly, I suggested that health as a perfection concept is defined based on our society health over problem
Key Words
health, happy, physical heath, heath industry
The Relationship Study between taekwondo Training and Self-Concept Development among Elementary School Children 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학생의 태권도 수련과 자아개념 발달의 관계
45(1) 121-129, 2006
The Relationship Study between taekwondo Training and Self-Concept Development among Elementary School Children 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학생의 태권도 수련과 자아개념 발달의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not Taekwondo training made any differences to the development of children's self- concept by controlling relevant variables that might affect self-concept, including their gender, academic school year, academic performance, and the living standard, educational background and occupation of their parents.
The subjects in this study were boy and girl students who were in their fourth, fifth and sixth years at elementary school in Seoul. After a survey was conducted, the collected data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 11.5 program, and covariance analysis was enployed. The findings of the study were as follows:
1. Concerning the impacts of Taekwondo-training experience on the development of self-concept subfactors, the children who learned Taekwondo excelled those who didn't in moral self and personality self.
2. As for the relationship of Taekwondo-training experience on the development of self-concept, those who were trained in Taekwondo outdid the others who weren't in self-concept.
Thus, whether or not they learned Taekwondo made a significant difference to their development of self-concept, and Taekwondo training was identified as one of physical-education activities to have an impact on the growth of self-concept in childhood.
Key Words
taekwondo, self-concept, training
인문,사회과학편 : 대학생들의 댄스스포츠 수업 참여를 통한 flow 경험 이해하기 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생들의 댄스스포츠 수업 참여를 통한 flow 경험 이해하기
45(1) 131-139, 2006
인문,사회과학편 : 대학생들의 댄스스포츠 수업 참여를 통한 flow 경험 이해하기 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생들의 댄스스포츠 수업 참여를 통한 flow 경험 이해하기
The purpose of this study was to understand flow experience through dance-sports class participation of university students and specifically described pleasure, satisfaction, flow process which appeared in this experience and analyzed this meaning based on phenomenology. The participants were composed of eight university students through network selection strategy out of snowballing. Also, data were collected through narrative observation, in-depth interview, focus group interview. Data analysis method used an interpretational analysis which progressed in order such as transcription, categorization, coding. An interpretational analysis of the data indicated that flow experience revealed four categories ; fun and pleasure through self-purposeful experience, being one with partner, being flowed dance and music, integration between behavior and cognition. The results can be summarized as follow using above method. Firstly, flow experience through dance-sports was accomplished by interaction among physical activity, skill acquisition, mental emotion. Secondly, participants formed complex self through flow experience of dance-sports.
Key Words
flow experience, qualitative research, phenomenology, phenomenological approach, qualitative research
The Effects of Competeing Values Leadership of Coach in Middle School Sports Team on Leader Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 운동부 지도자의 경쟁가치 리더십이 지도자 만족에 미치는 영향
45(1) 141-150, 2006
The Effects of Competeing Values Leadership of Coach in Middle School Sports Team on Leader Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 운동부 지도자의 경쟁가치 리더십이 지도자 만족에 미치는 영향
This study was to examine the leader roles of sports team coach in the middle school and to analyzed leader roles dependency by gender, and to relationships between the six roles of the coaches and leader satisfaction of athletes by applying Quinn's Competing Values leadership Paradigm which define leadership dynamically and holistically to the sport field. The subjects were 253 athletes of middle school sports team. The researcher explained the purpose of this study and contents of the questionnaire, and ask athletes to answer the questionnaire. The measures were CVLQS(Competing Values Leadership for Scale) developed by Ha Hyung-ju(1996) and LBDQ(Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire) used by Lee(1998). Staisitical analysis used one-way ANOVA with repeated measures, paired t test and multiple regression analysis. Data was analyzed through SPSS 12.0 Version and the level of significance was set up .05. From the upper the procedure, the results are as follow. Firstly, coaches of smiddle school sports team have used more authoritative instructor role, calculating executioner role, mediating broker role and have used less innovative researcher role and analytic manager role. Secondly, there were significant in authoritative instructor role, calculating executioner role, and mentor role by gender. Lastly, mentor role, innovative researcher role and analytic manager role had positive relationships with leader satisfaction.
The Effect of Commitment on the Team-Loyalty and Identity of the Local Community at the Professional Sport Team Web-site 인문,사회과학편 : 프로구단 웹사이트의 몰입이 팀 충성도 및 지역사회 정체성에 미치는 영향
45(1) 151-160, 2006
The Effect of Commitment on the Team-Loyalty and Identity of the Local Community at the Professional Sport Team Web-site 인문,사회과학편 : 프로구단 웹사이트의 몰입이 팀 충성도 및 지역사회 정체성에 미치는 영향
This study was to analyze the effect of commitment on the team-loyalty and identity of the local community at the professional sport team web-site.
To get the best result of this study assigned the visitors of those web sites as population, and linked a questionnaire here of to main page of Samsung lions and Daegu Orions Web-site, so that visitors who use the pop-ups could answer to each question. The completed questionnaires were all connected into my home page in real time. The subject who answered to given questionnaire was 481 persons.
The material collection device was the brochure named < The survey the effect of commitment on the team-loyalty and identity of the local community at the professional sport team web-site >. The result of reliability check up was here below; Chronbach' α=.904~.924. To analyze materials, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, multiple regressions were used as statistic analysis techniques.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were as follows;
Firstly, there was a significant difference between socio-demographics and commitment of the professional sport team web-site. Also there was a significant difference between socio-demographics and team-loyalty.
Secondly, there was a significant influence difference between socio-demographics and identity of the local community.
Thirdly, there was a significant influence between commitment of the professional sport team web-site and team-loyalty. Also there was a significant influence between commitment of the professional sport team web-site andidentity of the local community.
Lastly, there was a significant influence between team-loyalty and identity of the local community.
Key Words
commitment, team-Loyalty, identity of the Local community
Development and Validation of the Leisure Socialization Scale 인문,사회과학편 : 여가사회화 척도 개발과 타당도 검증
45(1) 161-173, 2006
Development and Validation of the Leisure Socialization Scale 인문,사회과학편 : 여가사회화 척도 개발과 타당도 검증
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Leisure Socialization Scale. To achieve the purpose of this study, adults who lived in Seoul, were selected as population of this study. After selecting 15 agencies by means of stratified cluster random sampling method, 1300 adults were sampled for this study. A total of 1159 subjects were used for data analysis. To develop preliminary items, semi-structured questions were conducted with 112 adults, and 82 items were developed through content analysis. According to the result of descriptives analysis and reliability analysis, 18 items were deleted. After the exploratory factor analysis, 5 items were reduced. And we used to confirm correlation analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to examine the validity in scale. Through these analyses, we found that each items represented 12 sub-variables well. 12 sub-variables as follows: positive effect, social conflict and demonstration disposition, social recognition, expense effect, autonomy, society order destruction, rest, sociality improvement, critical acceptance, self- improvement, damage to others and society, addicted disposition. The result of these analyses showed that the leisure socialization scale is valid.
Key Words
Leisure socialization, validation
Influence of Leisure Sports Activities on the Change of Stress for Mothers with Children Suffering from Autism 인문,사회과학편 : 레저스포츠 활동이 자폐아 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스 변화에 미치는 영향
45(1) 175-184, 2006
Influence of Leisure Sports Activities on the Change of Stress for Mothers with Children Suffering from Autism 인문,사회과학편 : 레저스포츠 활동이 자폐아 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스 변화에 미치는 영향
First, in order to review what changes occur in the way of stress from the nurturing of children with autism before and after the leisure sports activities, the on-way ANOVA test was conducted based on the measurement result, and significant difference at all the lower categories of stresses with the tendency of reduction of stress.
Second, in order to review what changes occur in the way of stress following the age of mothers, the on-way ANOVA test was conducted based on the measurement result, there was no significant difference in statistics on stress related to ordinary living, family community, and negative psychological relevance, but significant level of difference was shown in the stress related to the mutual reaction and aftereffects.
Third, in order to review what changes occur in the way of stress following the monthly income of the families, the on-way ANOVA test was conducted based on the measurement result, there was noticeable difference in statistics on stress related to family community, and mutual reaction and aftereffects, but no significant level of difference was shown in the stress related to the ordinary living and psychology of denial.
Forth, in order to review what changes occur in the way of stress following the level of education of the mothers, the on-way ANOVA test was conducted based on the measurement result, there was noticeable difference in statistics on stress related to family community, mutual reaction, aftereffects and psychology of denial, but no significant level of difference was shown in the stress related to the ordinary living.
Fifth, in order to review what changes occur in the way of stress following the degree of disability of the child, the on-way ANOVA test was conducted based on the measurement result, there was no noticeable difference in statistics on stress related to ordinary living, and psychology of denial, but noticeable difference was shown in the stress related to the family community, mutual reaction and after effects.
Key Words
Leisure sports activities, Autism, Stress
The Effects of Leisure and Welfare Satisfaction on Participation of Sports Activity among Aged person 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 참여가 노인의 복지만족 및 여가만족에 미치는 영향
45(1) 185-192, 2006
The Effects of Leisure and Welfare Satisfaction on Participation of Sports Activity among Aged person 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 참여가 노인의 복지만족 및 여가만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to probe the effects of leisure satisfaction on participation of sports activity among aged person. A total of 308 aged person were surveyed by using the modified LSS(Leisure Satisfaction Scale) to assess their perceived treasure satisfaction. The method of statistic used to analyze the collected data was analysis of 2way-ANOVA and T-test.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusion were warranted:
First, the survey on testing the difference of leisure satisfaction by gender significant difference in welfare and leisure satisfaction, and there were statistically significant difference in age, educational, social and relaxation satisfaction at a level of 1 percent. And the survey failed to test the difference in leisure satisfaction by income.
Second, the survey on the influences of the types of leisure activities on leisure satisfaction revealed that there was a statistically significant influences in all the subordinate variables of leisure satisfaction.
Influence of exercise on brain activity and emotion in femal depression 인문,사회과학편 : 운동강도가 우울증세 여자대학생의 뇌파와 기분상태 변화에 미치는 영향
45(1) 193-205, 2006
Influence of exercise on brain activity and emotion in femal depression 인문,사회과학편 : 운동강도가 우울증세 여자대학생의 뇌파와 기분상태 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate how exercise intensity influences emotion and brainwave activity in female university students who report symptoms of depression. Subjects consisted of 10 female university students ranging in age from 20 to 22, with a mean age of 21 years. Subjects were selected by BDI score(over 16 score). EEG asymmetry and POMS were assessed before and after theree exercise conditions: 3 intensities (40%, 60% and 80% of VO2max for 30 minutes). The data were analyzed by using repeated measured. Dependent variables were tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion, TMD and R-L asymmetry alpha values. The research findings revealed that depression was significantly altered by the two exercise conditions(40%, and 60% of VO2max) compared to the pre-exercise. Anger were significantly altered by exercise conditions(40% of VO2max) compared to pre-exercise. TMD was significantly altered by the two exercise conditions(40%, and 60% of VO2max) compared to pre-exercise. With regard to R-L asymmetry alpha values, post-exercise showed an increase of R-L asymmetry alpha values 60% of VO2max compared to the pre-exercise.
Therefore, this study established that two exercise conditions(40%, and 60% of VO2max) significantly altered emotion. Specially, 60% of VO2max exercise conditions demonstrated the possibility of lessening symptoms of depression. Furthermore, these results suggest that EEG asymmetry scores is a possible measuring instrument for symptoms of depression.
A Analysis of Goal Orientation and Competitive Anxiety as Antecedent Variable of Game Result 인문,사회과학편 : 승패 예측변인으로서 목표성향과 경쟁불안 분석
45(1) 207-215, 2006
A Analysis of Goal Orientation and Competitive Anxiety as Antecedent Variable of Game Result 인문,사회과학편 : 승패 예측변인으로서 목표성향과 경쟁불안 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference of squash player's goal orientation and competitive anxiety, and to discriminate what is the antecedent variable of a game result. The subjects for this study totalled 150 squash players. TEOSQ(Duda & Nicholls, 1989) and CSAI-2(Martens et al., 1990) were used and got Mean and Standard Deviation. The collected questionnaires were analyzed by independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and Post hoc(Scheffe). In addition, Discriminant Analysis was used for discriminating antecedent variable of game result. As a consequence, the following conclusion was drawn. First, there was a significant difference in goal orientation by sex, group of taking part and cognitive performance level. Second, there was a significant difference in competitive anxiety by sex, group of taking part and cognitive performance level. Third, goal orientation discriminated the result of a game as 61.3%. Forth, competitive anxiety discriminated the result of a game as 56.7%.
Key Words
goal orientation, competitive anxiety, game result, discriminant analysis
The Influence of Participation in Sports Activities of Army Commander on the Trust in Commander and Royalty of Soldiers 인문,사회과학편 : 부대 지휘관의 체육활동 참여가 지휘관신뢰 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
45(1) 217-226, 2006
The Influence of Participation in Sports Activities of Army Commander on the Trust in Commander and Royalty of Soldiers 인문,사회과학편 : 부대 지휘관의 체육활동 참여가 지휘관신뢰 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the influence of participation in sports activities of army commander on the trust in commander and royalty of soldiers.
For accomplishing this purpose of the study, 450 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method from the 9 companies located in Seoul, Kyunggi-do, Jeollanam-do.
The survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The questionnaire for trust in commander of developed by Schindler & Thomas(1993) and standardized by Lee(2002). and royalty of soldiers developed by Hoy & Rees(1974) and standardized by Kim(1990).
The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and ANCOVA.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, the trust in commander and royalty of soldiers are partially different by the socio-demographic characteristics.
Secondly, the trust in commander and royalty of soldiers are partially different by participation in sports activities of army commander. First of all, the trust in commander is partially different by the type of participation in sports activities of army commander. And, the royalty of soldiers is partially different by the type of participation in sports activities of army commander.
Key Words
The Influence of Participation in Sports Activities of Army Commander, Trust in Commander, Royalty of Soldiers
The Effect of Job Stress, Turnover of safeguard on Job Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 경호원의 직무스트레스와 이직의도가 직무만족에 미치는 영향
45(1) 227-236, 2006
The Effect of Job Stress, Turnover of safeguard on Job Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 경호원의 직무스트레스와 이직의도가 직무만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to present theoretical basic data for private safeguard and systematic development of guard industry by examining the effect of job stress, turnover of safeguard on job satisfaction. Subjects was composed of private safeguard business which was registered over 50 private safeguards. After selecting private safeguard business as population, 500 questionnaires was distributed through stratified cluster sampling. 414 data(82.8%) was analyzed except 86 data(17.2%) which didn't or trustless respond. Firstly, in the effect of job stress and turnover of safeguard on work satisfaction through path analysis, job trait had significantly negative causal relationship with turnover intention, remain intention, job trait had significantly positive causal relationship with job satisfactions. Human relations had significantly negative causal relationship with remain intention, human relations had significantly positive causal relationship with job satisfactions. Secondly, in the effect of job stress and turnover of safeguard on promotion satisfaction through path analysis, job trait had significantly negative causal relationship with turnover intention, remain intention, job trait had significantly positive causal relationship with promotion satisfaction. Human relations had significantly negative causal relationship with remain intention, job environment had significantly positive causal relationship with turnover intention. Thirdly, in the effect of job stress and turnover of safeguard on co-worker satisfaction through path analysis, job trait had significantly negative causal relationship with turnover intention, remain intention, job trait had significantly positive causal relationship with co-worker satisfaction. Human relations had significantly negative causal relationship with remain intention, human relations had significantly positive causal relationship with co-worker satisfaction.
Key Words
job stress, job trait, job satisfaction
The Influence of Leisure Competence on Leisure Constraint for Paragliding Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 패러글라이딩 참가자들의 여가유능감이 여가제약에 미치는 영향
The purposes of this study were to provide on academic empirical data to paragliding instructors and concerned people, and contribute to the popularization of paragliding through identifying the relationship between leisure competence and leisure constraint of paragliding participants. The participants were selected by convenience sampling method. They were composed of 350 adults who had been participating in paragliding and had been dwelling in Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi and Chungcheng province. The Leisure Diagnostic Battery for Korean(Kim 1995) and The Context-free Leisure Constraint Scale(Ji & Lee, 2003) were used for collecting data. For the statistical analysis, SPSS 120 was utilized. The verification of research hypothesis was conducted by T-test, ANOVA and Path analysis. The significance level of all tests was .05.
The findings of this study could be summarized as follows:
Firstly, there was significant differences in gender on emotional and physical leisure competence. There was also significant differences in age group factor on perceptional, emotional and physical leisure competence. Also there was significant differences in period of participation on perceptional, emotional, social and physical leisure competence.
Secondly, there was significant differences in gender on self-consciousness and physical barriers. Significant differences appeared in age group factor and period of participation factor on self-consciousness, physical barriers, lack of information, lack of time and environmental barriers. According to income level was significant differences on physical barriers, lack of information, lack of time and environmental barriers.
Lastly, the results of path analysis showed that social leisure competence had a negative effect on self-consciousness, lack of information and lack of time. Emotional leisure competence had a positive effect on self-consciousness, lack of information; lack of time, environmental barriers. And perceptional leisure competence also had a positive effect on physical barriers and self-consciousness. Lastly, physical leisure competence had a negative effect on physical barriers.
Analysis of phenomenal marathon boom in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국사회의 마라톤 붐(boom)현상 분석
이재희JaeHeeLee , 유용상YoungSangYoo
45(1) 249-260, 2006
Analysis of phenomenal marathon boom in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국사회의 마라톤 붐(boom)현상 분석
이재희JaeHeeLee , 유용상YoungSangYoo
This study has illuminated the background and the significance of the marathon boom in Korea since the middle of the 1990s by analyzing marathoners individual preference for marathon as well as political, economical and sociological relationship with the phenomenon of the marathon boom.
In order to understand the marathon boom in Korea since the late 1990s, political, economical, sociological, cultural, and individual aspects had to be mutually reviewed. First, it should be acknowledged that governmental efforts to resolve the skewed development problem for only elite athletes in the Korean sports field since the 1970s by doing health publicity campaign for Sport-for-All and by establishing The National Council of Sport For All at the time of introducing the local self-governing system in Korea. Furthermore, self-governing communities believed the marathon would be a good tourist attraction and they started to open various styles of marathon competitions so that the number of marathon enthusiasts has enormously increased by now. In addition, social powerlessness in people caused by the economic crisis in Korea in the late 1990s, uncertainty in safety and security, and increased interest in health care then contributed to the marathon boom for the public. Achievement and bliss through running the whole distance is one of the main motivations for the master marathoners and it encourages self-confidence to achieve more in daily life. It is one of the important factors to explain the marathon boom in Korea. Online and offline marathon clubs' interactive activities support the tendency to bond with one another and have led to the quality enhancement as well as the quantity enlargement of the master marathon in Korea.
Key Words
masters marathon, marathon boom
The Comparison of Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Structural Leisure Constraints for Korean Americans 인문,사회과학편 : 재미 한인들의 자기심리적, 대인관계적, 구조적 여가제약의 비교
한우진WooJinHan , 권문배MunBaeKwon
45(1) 261-271, 2006
The Comparison of Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Structural Leisure Constraints for Korean Americans 인문,사회과학편 : 재미 한인들의 자기심리적, 대인관계적, 구조적 여가제약의 비교
한우진WooJinHan , 권문배MunBaeKwon
The purpose of this study was to examine the leisure constraints levels for Korean Americans within three types of constraints; intrapersonal, interpersonal and structural(Crawford & Godbey, 1987). The hope was that this study's results would enhance both theoretical and practical understanding of the leisure constraints of Korean Americans. Such understanding may improve the delivery of leisure services to Korean Americans.
After pilot testing, data for the main study were collected from Korean Americans who lived in the Philadelphia area. Data collection was conducted in two Korean American civic institutions, two Korean Churches, and two Korean shopping centers in the Philadelphia area. A total of 547 questionnaires were completed.
Using the SPSS program, descriptive statistics were employed to determine a profile of the characteristics of Korean Americans. The two-way ANOVA was utilized to examine differences in leisure constraints between lor among demographic and socioeconomic variables. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to explore relationship between leisure constraints and cultural variables. Paired t-test was conducted to investigate differences among Korean American's Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Structural constraints levels. The significance level of all tests were set at .05.
The findings of this study can be summarized as follows:
1. Of the three constraints, structural constraint was the highest and the second is interpersonal constraints, with intrapersonal constraints last.
2. There were significant differences in leisure constraints between or among demographic variables such as gender and age.
3. There were significant differences in leisure constraints between or among socioeconomic variables such as education and household income.
4. Leisure constrains were significantly affected by cultural variables such as living length in the U.S. and language.
Key Words
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Structural, Leisure Constraints, Korean American
Social Agents` Attitudes toward the Values of Sports Programs for Students with Developmental Disabilities 인문,사회과학편 : 발달장애 학생을 위한 스포츠 프로그램의 가치에 대한 사회적 중재자의 태도
45(1) 273-281, 2006
Social Agents` Attitudes toward the Values of Sports Programs for Students with Developmental Disabilities 인문,사회과학편 : 발달장애 학생을 위한 스포츠 프로그램의 가치에 대한 사회적 중재자의 태도
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of social agents' character, age, and gender on their attitudes toward the values of sports programs for students with developmental disabilities. The participants consisted of 214 parents who had a child with developmental disabilities, 230 parents who had a child without disabilities, and 192 physical instructors who had been teaching sports programs. Questionnaires that were used by Lee, Yeo, and Kim (2004) and Kim and Kim (2005) were selected to collet the data. Prior to the data analyses, the reliability and the content validity of the questions of the questionnaire were established and found to be sufficient. The data were analyzed by the frequency analysis, MANOVA, and follow-up univariate analysis using SPSS 12.0. A three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the combined dependent variables (i.e., physical, cognitive, social, therapeutic values) showed a significant main effect for the character factor and a interaction effect of character and age. Follow-up univariate analysis revealed that the character was significant for all 4 value scores of sports programs for students with developmental disabilities. Therefore, it was concluded that social agents' character had an influence on the attitudes toward the values of sports programs for students with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
Social agents, Sports programs, Students with developmental disabilities
Change of acceptance of disability and self-esteem of person with physical disability after participating in an adapted aquatic program 인문,사회과학편 : 수중운동에 참가한 후천적 지체장애인의 장애수용 및 자아존중감 변화
양한나HanNahYang , 김권일KwonIlKim , 노형규HyoungKuyRoh
45(1) 283-290, 2006
Change of acceptance of disability and self-esteem of person with physical disability after participating in an adapted aquatic program 인문,사회과학편 : 수중운동에 참가한 후천적 지체장애인의 장애수용 및 자아존중감 변화
양한나HanNahYang , 김권일KwonIlKim , 노형규HyoungKuyRoh
This study was to understand how acceptance of disability and self-esteem of person with disability changes through an adapted aquatic program. The physical and psycho-social benefits of an adapted aquatic program for person with disability were significant. In this study, one person who has had physical disability for 3 years was interviewed, he wrote exercise diary after class everytime with teacher. The Adapted aquatic program was conducted for 12 weeks, 2 times per week, 90 minutes per class. Data collected by in-depth interview and exercise diary were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. For the trustworthiness of study, triangulation, peer debriefing, and member check were used. The results of this study were as follows: First, participant showed positive acceptance of disability and developed self-esteem after participating in the adapted aquatic program. Second, participant showed improvement of self-achievement, self-confidence, and attitude to life after participating in the adapted aquatic program. Third, participating in the adapted aquatic program influences the degree of stress.
Key Words
adapted aquatic program, acceptance of disability, self-esteem
The Research on the Image on Athletic Clubs Evaluated by University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생이 평가한 대학운동부의 이미지 찾기
김영갑YoungKabKim , 박용우YongWooPark , 김동규DongKyuKim
45(1) 291-301, 2006
The Research on the Image on Athletic Clubs Evaluated by University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생이 평가한 대학운동부의 이미지 찾기
김영갑YoungKabKim , 박용우YongWooPark , 김동규DongKyuKim
This study aims at clarifying the image on athletic clubs perceived by university students. In the sampling of the research objects, after choosing university students in Daegu and Kyeongsangbuk-do in 2004 as population, did systematic stratified cluster random sampling total 446 students considering demographic background and participation level on sports. In the result of analysis of the collected data on the basis of the plan and aim of this study, following conclusions are produced.
1. The image on athletic clubs according to the demographic background
First, female students showed higher average than male students in the sub-variables of intelligence, wildness and vitality among the images on athletic club in universities. Second, freshmen and sophomores showed higher average in wildness and inhumaneness than other groups, sophomores and seniors showed higher average in intelligence and vitality than other groups. Third, the group of below 2 million won showed higher average in intelligence and vitality than other groups. Forth, students with religions showed higher average in intelligence and vitality than students without religion. Fifth, the group of not participating in sports showed higher average in wildness, the group of participating in sports showed higher average in inhumaneness. Sixth, departments of humanities and art-athletics showed higher average in wildness than other groups.
2. The examination of the image on athletic clubs in universities according to the participation level in sports.
First, the group of above 1 hour ~ below 2 hours showed higher average in wildness than other groups. Second, the group of 3 ~4 day showed higher average in vitality than other groups. Third, the group of above 1 year ~ below 2 years showed higher average in intelligence, wildness and vitality than other groups, the groups of below 1 year and above 1 year ~ below 2 years shoed higher average in inhumaneness than other groups.
3. The effect of participation level in sports on the image on athletic clubs in universities. The frequency of the athletic activity gives negative effect on vitality, the period of athletic activity gives negative effect on intelligence, vitality, wildness and in humaneness.
Key Words
image, university students, athletic clubs in universities
Some Improvement Plans for Administering a Young Boys` Soccer Class: from the Viewpoint of Team Coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 유소년 축구지도자가 본 축구교실 운영 개선방안 실태
강유원YuWonKang , 김이수YiSooKim , 김평석PyungSeokKim
45(1) 303-316, 2006
Some Improvement Plans for Administering a Young Boys` Soccer Class: from the Viewpoint of Team Coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 유소년 축구지도자가 본 축구교실 운영 개선방안 실태
강유원YuWonKang , 김이수YiSooKim , 김평석PyungSeokKim
This study was conducted in search of improvement plans for revitalization of young boys' soccer class activities, from the viewpoint of the team coaches. Method of research includes collection and analysis of data using focus group interview, a qualitative research method, conducted on 12 research objects. This was done for an in-depth analysis of the phenomenal experiences of the 12 team coaches. Analysis of interview materials on improvement plans of soccer teams resulted in 7 categories of themes.
1) Planning of specified soccer training programs suited for the development stage of young boys
2) Increase of training opportunities for the team coaches
3) Need for securing and improving facilities for young boys' soccer activities
4) Securing jobs and improving society's treatment of soccer coaches
5) Cooperative efforts and support from organizations and official departments
6) Improvement of systems and policies for young boy's soccer activities
7) Fostering horizontal relationship and cooperative atmosphere among team coaches.
In order to achieve the goals mentioned above, it is advisable to activate a cross-team development system for young boys' soccer activities, based on liaison of official organizations including the Soccer Qrganization. Also, building educational institutions such as the so-called (Boys' soccer research center' or the 'Boys' soccer training center/ which enable gathering of soccer professionals, sports administrators, and educators in one place, will be helpful in developing and planning professional and systematic programs for the boys.
Key Words
Youth Soccer, Coaches, Coaching Experiences
Parents` Perspectives on the Role and Improvement for Middle School Physical Education Teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 학부모가 인식하는 체육교사의 역할과 개선점
곽은창EunChangKwak , 오문례MunRaeOh , 권순정SoonJungKwon
45(1) 317-327, 2006
Parents` Perspectives on the Role and Improvement for Middle School Physical Education Teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 학부모가 인식하는 체육교사의 역할과 개선점
곽은창EunChangKwak , 오문례MunRaeOh , 권순정SoonJungKwon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents' perspectives of positive and negative aspects on middle school physical education teachers. Subjects were 561 middle school students' parents in three different size of cities. Critical incident technique(Flanagan, 1954) was used to collect the data. The written description were collected on the open questionnaire. The three questions were employed to find the parents' perspectives: the most important role of teacher, the positive and negative aspects. The results of this investigation indicated that physical education teachers should enhance 'physical fitness and health' which considered to be the most important role. The following order were arranged based on the collected written description analysis:'expertise', 'social and moral education', 'counselling' Positive aspects of physical education teachers were 'physical fitness and health' 'expertise', 'counselling', and 'social and moral education'. Negative aspects were as follows: 'teaching behavior', 'physical harrassment', 'teachers' moral', 'teachers' basic ability'. The study suggested that teachers' expertise and basic ability should be enhanced as early as possible to meet the parents' needs. Further exploration should be conducted to understand the parents and students' perspectives on physical education teachers. More number of subjects, different area, school year and school district can provide different perspective. further study should be conducted to understand the parents perspectives on various school settings and contexts.
Psychological Factors that Facilitate and Debilitate on Student Teaching in Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교육실습의 심리적 촉진 및 방해요인 분석
조미혜MiHyeCho , 박수정SooJungPark
45(1) 329-338, 2006
Psychological Factors that Facilitate and Debilitate on Student Teaching in Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교육실습의 심리적 촉진 및 방해요인 분석
조미혜MiHyeCho , 박수정SooJungPark
The purpose of this study was to understanding psychological factors that facilitate and debilitate on student teaching in physical education. The data was collected through experience diary, in-depth interview and collection of documents. It was gathered with 15 students who participated in the student teaching. The data analysis was used inductive categorical analysis. On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. Psychological factors of facilitate on student teaching in physical education were expectation, freshness, unification, uneasiness, tension, tiresome. 2. Psychological factors of debilitate on student teaching in physical education were self-confidence, sociality, responsibility, burden, alienation, tiredness.
The Establishment of Elementary Physical Education National Curriculum Reforming System 인문,사회과학편 : 초등 체육과 교육과정 개정 시스템 정립방안
45(1) 339-349, 2006
The Establishment of Elementary Physical Education National Curriculum Reforming System 인문,사회과학편 : 초등 체육과 교육과정 개정 시스템 정립방안
The purpose of this study was to establish elementary physical education national curriculum reforming system In oder to achieve the purpose mentioned above, chronic troubles of elementary P.E. national curriculum that have been repeated seven times, were defined 'systematic error and Reforming system that was equivalent to the every trouble items, was presented. First, the discourse of Partial and Constant revision versus Periodic and Wholesale revision of National Curriculum must be circulated widely, and after careful consideration revision has to become effective. Second, the subject who develop elementary P.E. national curriculum must agree with its manager and elementary school teachers have to be expert in National Curriculum Third, the textbook that is approved by the Ministry of Education must be published and elementary school teachers have a part in manufacturing it. Fourth, the pre-service teacher training programs must be standardized. Fifth, the sports policy 切ward P.E. must be activated.
Key Words
reforming system, systematic errors
Teacher Researcher in School Physical Education: Action of self-reflection 인문,사회과학편 : 학교체육에서의 교사연구자: 반성과 성찰의 실천
최원준WonJunChoi , 김진희JinHeeKim
45(1) 351-362, 2006
Teacher Researcher in School Physical Education: Action of self-reflection 인문,사회과학편 : 학교체육에서의 교사연구자: 반성과 성찰의 실천
최원준WonJunChoi , 김진희JinHeeKim
This paper describes some of major factors that influence real world of teacher researcher in school physical education. it's emergence into education to promote the "teacher as researcher" indicates the trend towards a far greater participation in all education sector, but also indicates the need for teachers and others to be educated to educated themselves. For this, six elementary teachers participated including myself. Using an action research methodology in which the researcher was also the teacher. Data were collected through teacher and student journals, open-ended questionnaires, and peer interviews. An important finding of this study is that teacher as researcher could be incorporated self-monitoring teacher by self-reflection, it can be used to the teacher who is to becoming extended professional in action. The prerequisites for action of teacher researchers are identified with the acceptance of I (subject), the understanding of whole contexts, and appropriate expressions and dialogues. Teacher researcher is one important way of developing reflective practice because it enables those involved to gain over their work and their voices in the action. Results suggest that teacher researcher encouraged significant factor of self and peer in action. Teachers can be researchers therefore any profession should continually think about practice and how it can be done better. Teachers should become more technically competent at what they do and more accountable in their action. The dilemmas in performing teacher researcher in practice and the researcher position on PE. dilemmas are discussed.
Key Words
teacher researcher, action research
The Development of Physical Education Preference Factor Inventory for Middle School students 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 체육수업 선호요인 검사지 개발
진국희GukHeeJin , 이강헌KangHunLee
45(1) 363-375, 2006
The Development of Physical Education Preference Factor Inventory for Middle School students 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 체육수업 선호요인 검사지 개발
진국희GukHeeJin , 이강헌KangHunLee
The purpose of this study was to developed preference factor inventory of Physical Education class for Middle School students. An open-ended questionaries survey, a preliminary study and a main study were conducted to achieve this aim.
Middle school students(300 boys, 300 girls) responded an open-ended questionaries survey regarding the preference factors in P.E. and the results were classified as positive and negative factors. An inductive content analysis of the responses resulted in 1,706 cases of positive aspect. The data were grouped into 18 specific domains and the 18 domains were categorized into 6 general domains again; ① freedom of activities ② enjoyment of movement, ③ promotion of health and fitness ④ satisfaction with a teacher ⑤ learning skills and gaining achievement ⑥ others. An inductive content analysis of the responses resulted in 1,989 cases of negative aspect. The data were grouped into 17 specific items and the specific items were categorized into 6 general domains; ① conditions of environment ② dissatisfaction with teacher ③ loss of interest and motivation ④ dissatisfaction with P.E. and tests ⑤ lack of seif-confidence ⑥ others. Based on the results of the content analysis, 75 preliminary measures were drawn and 480 middle school students were questioned for the preliminary survey. Through descriptive statistics, a reliability analysis, an exploratory factor analysis, 39 questions on preference factor for P.E were decided to adopt for the tool of this analysis. The inventory contains six subordinate factors; ① fitness and skills, ② lack of tests and seif-confidence, ③ dissatisfaction with a teacher, ④ satisfaction with a teacher ⑤ freedom of activities ⑥ conditions of environment. The suitability of the questionaries were demonstrated by confirmatory analysis.
Key Words
reference factors
The Effectiveness of a Visual Feedback Using the Video Materials in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 영상자료를 이용한 시각적 피드백 제공이 학습 성취에 미치는 효과
45(1) 377-385, 2006
The Effectiveness of a Visual Feedback Using the Video Materials in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 영상자료를 이용한 시각적 피드백 제공이 학습 성취에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to describe how the offer of a visual feedback effects to the achievement of learning in the badminton tasks in physical education classes. Participants in this study were 6 of 10th grade students in highschool. Data were collected through in-depth interview, participant observation, and document analysis. Data were analyzed and interpreted through constant comparative method and analytic induction. The findings in this study indicated that both teachers and students responded positively about the form of class providing multimedia with a video materials. Most of the students were perceiving an efficient use of time and disappearance of boredom of the classes. And it is possible to infer that the responses about concentration on and interests in classes are very efficient to create positive motivation for the class. In terms of achievement of the learning tasks, it was very helpful to learn the movement or the skill. Also, it was so effective to achieve the learning tasks because most of the students responded that they could learn operation or rules of the game without any special guidances of teachers.
Key Words
visual feedback, achievement of Learning, video materials
A Study on Teaching and Learning Plan of Physical Education in Middle School Using Blended Learning Strategy Linked 인문,사회과학편 : 블랜디드 러닝 전략을 적용한 중학교 체육 교수,학습 방안 연구
45(1) 387-402, 2006
A Study on Teaching and Learning Plan of Physical Education in Middle School Using Blended Learning Strategy Linked 인문,사회과학편 : 블랜디드 러닝 전략을 적용한 중학교 체육 교수,학습 방안 연구
This study intends to provide a new practical way of operation for the integrated education of target areas of physical education following the changes to teaching-learning environment through the case of the class applying the 'blended learning'. The teaching characteristics of physical education teachers applying the blended learning strategy are witnessing a large improvement in individualization, coherence, embodiment, integration, facilitation and ingenuity through various mutual interaction and decision-making process. The class managerial aspect of the teaching-learning activity appeared to have various types of preventive management reducing the possible trouble-making behaviors and a managerial interaction responding to the change of class environment in an appropriate way. By providing the learning materials for motivation in both inducing and non-inducing ways, the class teaching aspect lets the learners to experience the embodiment and coherence of the learning contents. Also the practical application of the learning contents is carried out orderly through providing the information that can satisfy the individual interest of each learner. The provision of self-driven learning activity displayed to have durability in learning of cognition, high-cognition and appreciation, those not covered in class. This enables to provide the learners the opportunity to internalize the learning target and to strengthen the social function between the learners. The teaching-learning method of physical education applying the blended learning strategy is, microscopically, combining various presentation techniques and communication methods through connecting the e-learning system and, macroscopically, supporting for the assessment that helps the meaningful class and learning, activating the teaching activity that is the learner-centerd, organizing the learning community, utilizing the system infrastructure and constructing the systematic foundation.
Key Words
e-Learning, blended Learning, information community technology, teaching and Learning management
Influence of Perceived Justices on Relationship Quality and Consumers` Voluntary Behaviors for Sport Center Customers 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 소비자의 공정성 지각이 관계품질 및 고객의 자발적 행위에 미치는 영향
오현환HyunHwanOh , 노동연DongYunRoh
45(1) 403-413, 2006
Influence of Perceived Justices on Relationship Quality and Consumers` Voluntary Behaviors for Sport Center Customers 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 소비자의 공정성 지각이 관계품질 및 고객의 자발적 행위에 미치는 영향
오현환HyunHwanOh , 노동연DongYunRoh
This study was designed to shed light on the effects of justices perceived on relationship quality and consumers' voluntary behaviors of sport center customers. 450 sport center customers were chosen from sport centers located in Seoul. Among 450 questionnaires distributed and collected, 35 were excluded from the study because they were neither thoughtfully nor completely answered. As a result, only 415 questionnaires were adopted and analyzed. The reliability test by using Cronbach's α method yielded the following results: the distributive justice reliability is .8747, the reliability in procedural justice is .8050, the reliability in interactional justice is .8659, the reliability in true is .9012, the reliability in commitment is .8830, the reliability in customer participation is .8467 and the customer cooperation reliability is .9437. This paper utilizes the statistical data analysis methods including correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, justices perceived significantly influences trust and explains 37.4%(R²=.374) of the variance. Second, justices perceived significantly influences commitment and explains 50.1%(R²=.501) of the variance. Third, justices perceived significantly influences customer participation and explains 43.8%(R²=.438) of the variance. Fourth, justices perceived significantly influences customer cooperation and explains 40.6%(R²=.406) of the variance. Fifth, relationship quality significantly influences customer participation and explains 35.8%(R²=.358) of the variance. Sixth, relationship quality significantly influences customer cooperation. and explains 40.8%(R²=.408) of the variance.
The Impact of e-sport Spectators` Sponsorship Perceptions on Marketing Communication 인문,사회과학편 : e-sport 관람자의 스폰서십 지각이 기업커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향
노동연DongYunRoh , 고창희ChangHeeKo
45(1) 415-427, 2006
The Impact of e-sport Spectators` Sponsorship Perceptions on Marketing Communication 인문,사회과학편 : e-sport 관람자의 스폰서십 지각이 기업커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향
노동연DongYunRoh , 고창희ChangHeeKo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sports sponsorship and effect of marketing communication for an e-sport meet. The population included spectators of the 2004 SKY profligate held everyweek atn the mega-web station, and 335 subjects were selected using the convenient sampling method. Factor analysis was performed 切 identify the structure of the construct by using varimax method, and the Cronbach’s a values were computed to inspect the scales’ reliablity: The sponsorship activity was .9102/ and the marketing communication was .8644,
The analytical methods used in this study were a population-analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post hot test, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows, based on study method or data analysis conclusion. First, all factor appear spastically 5% level difference, sub-factor of a sponsorship activity, marketing image consideration, information, event, or the progress difference, a sex, age, attainment scholarship, spectating time, frequency, according to an individual character of esport spectator. Second all factor appear spastically 5% level difference, sub-factor of a marketing communication, communication, or the marketing favorless, a sex, age, attainment scholarship, spectating time, frequency, according to an individual character of e-sport spectator. The results on sponsorship activity and regression analysis of communication shows that communication are influenced statistically by sub-factor of sponsorship activity, the marketing image, information, event, or progress. The sponsorship activity on communication show a 39.4%(R2=.394) explanation The results on sponsorship activity and regression analysis of marketing footrests shows that marketing favor are influenced statistically by sub-factor of sponsorship activity, the marketing image, information, event, or progress. The sponsorship activity on marketing favorless show a 34.0%(R2=.340) explanation.
A Study on the Problems and Improvement Measures of the Annual Salary Arbitration System of Korea Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 프로야구 연봉조정 제도의 문제점 및 개선 방안 연구
45(1) 429-439, 2006
A Study on the Problems and Improvement Measures of the Annual Salary Arbitration System of Korea Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 프로야구 연봉조정 제도의 문제점 및 개선 방안 연구
This study began with the fundamental desire to help professional baseball players have a fair and equal salary negotiation with the club. For that purpose, it compared the Korea's professional baseball and American major league in the procedures and decisions of salary systems and investigated the former’s salary arbitration system to improve and complement its unreasonable management. The findings were as follows; they had 2,637 applications for salary arbitration, among which 2,177 were canceled and 460 led to decisions in the American major league. The final decisions revealed that the clubs won in 263 cases, while the players did in 197, which was translated into the ratio of 57%: 43%. In Korea the total applications recorded 92, among which 74 were canceled and 18 produced decisions. The clubs won in 17 cases, while only one player beat the club. The ratio was 94%:6%. The following measures should be taken in order to allow the current unfair salary arbitration system to produce another lopsided victory for the dub no longer; first, it's urgent to pick members of the arbitration committee in a fair manner. The committee should consist of one arbitrator from each the player" s association and the club and a neutral member recommended by KBO and consented by both the parties. Secondly, a proxy system that fits Korea’s professional baseball should be established. Since they don’t allow for a proxy for the players, they have to go out in the front line of salary arbitration themselves, which affects their performance in a negative way and damages their image and commercial value. Their loss will be ultimately the entire KBQs loss. Thirdly, with the introduction of a proxy, a hearing system should be in the scene of salary arbitration. They need to hold one or more hearings during 15 days of arbitration period so that the arbitrators can listen to the concerned parties and proxies fully and have enough time to review the related matters and documents just like the one in the American major league. The final result will be fair decisions. Fourth, the standards of annual salary assessment must be dualized into those for the earner of high annual salary and those for the earner of general annual salary.
Key Words
korea professional baseball, annual salary arbitration
The Effect of Mass Communication Factors of Consumer Behavior on Korean Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 소비자행동에 영향을 미치는 매스커뮤니케이션 변수 연구
김상유SangYooKim , 이건희GunHeeLee
45(1) 441-448, 2006
The Effect of Mass Communication Factors of Consumer Behavior on Korean Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 소비자행동에 영향을 미치는 매스커뮤니케이션 변수 연구
김상유SangYooKim , 이건희GunHeeLee
Since the launching of Korean professional baseball in 1982, the professional football, professional basketball, professional Korean wrestling, professional golf, and professional volleyball joined professional sports market. Korean professional baseball of them is most popular professional sport in Korea. Therefore many study of Korean professional baseball is investigating. But there are not enough about mass communication factors.
The purpose of this study is that investigate the effect of mass communication factors of consumer behavior on Korean professional baseball. Therefore, samples were chosen who have experience of Korean professional baseball. For this study, 780 samples were collected with convenience sampling method to completed self-administration questionnaires. 724 questionnaires were used for data analysis.
In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSS for window version 12.0 for statistical analysis. With this data, Frequency Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, and Multiple Regression.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. The TV, Internet, sport newspaper, mobile phone of mass communication factors were influence sport consumer behavior.
In conclusion, mass communication factors were very important of sport marketing. Therefore, study of mass communication factors must be continued.
Key Words
mass communication factors, Korean professional baseball, professional sports, consumer behavior
The Influences of the Perceived Value of Professional Soccer Teams on Recommendation Intention and Re-purchasing Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구구단의 지각된 가치가 타인추천의도 및 재관람의도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 김은정EunJungKim , 이준원JunWonLee
45(1) 449-459, 2006
The Influences of the Perceived Value of Professional Soccer Teams on Recommendation Intention and Re-purchasing Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구구단의 지각된 가치가 타인추천의도 및 재관람의도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 김은정EunJungKim , 이준원JunWonLee
This study was to investigate the relationships among perceived value in professional soccer games, satisfaction of the teams, a team image, re-purchasing intentions and recommendation intention. The subjects were from the spectators who went to watch the games of Suwon Samsung, which was first ranked in Hausen Cup competition of professional soccer games, 2005. The convenience sampling was employed. The total number of sampling was 306, however among them, the sampling of 11 was not included because they were not relevantly responded. With the results of questionnaire, the validity was first analysed through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and then the reliability was finally tested on the questions of the questionnaire. SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 and AMOS 4.0 were employed to process data. After testing the goodness of fit of the research model, the individual hypothesis was verified. With actual analysis, some results were drawn as follows:
First, the perceived value was found to affect the satisfaction of the team. Second, the satisfaction of the team was found to affect the team image. Third, the satisfaction of the team was found to affect recommendation and re-purchasing intentions respectively. Fourth, the team image was found to affect recommendation and re-purchasing intentions respectively.
Key Words
perceived value, team satisfaction, team image, recommendation, re-purchasing intention
Exploring the development of team allegiance in professional sport spectators using the PCM 인문,사회과학편 : 심리적 지속 모델(PCM)을 이용한 프로 스포츠 관중의 팀 충성도 발전과정 검증
허진영JinYoungHuh , 유영란YoungRanYou
45(1) 461-471, 2006
Exploring the development of team allegiance in professional sport spectators using the PCM 인문,사회과학편 : 심리적 지속 모델(PCM)을 이용한 프로 스포츠 관중의 팀 충성도 발전과정 검증
허진영JinYoungHuh , 유영란YoungRanYou
The purpose of this study was to explore causal relationship among sport team association scale, attachment, and allegiance in the professional soccer and baseball. The sample of the study is spectators from 2004 Korean Professional Soccer League and Baseball League. Subjects(N=463) were spectators selected from Incheon SK, Seoul FC, and Suwon Blue Wing home games by using the convenience sampling technique. A questionnaire was passed out to spectators before games. The data were recorded and analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0 statistical computer package to do a exploratory factor analysis. The results from Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model are follows.
First, TAS for attraction (management, pride, star player and head coach, venue, tradition) have not effects on the team allegiance. Second, TAS for attraction(pride, star player and head coach, venue) have effects on the team attachment. Third, attachment have intermediated allegiance. Allegiance occurs when greater symbolic, emotional and functional meaning is placed attactive benefits and attributes associated with professional soccer and baseball teams.
Key Words
PCM, allegiance, sport team association
The effect of participation motivation based on Lifestyle of professional baseball woman spectators on participation behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 여성관중의 라이프스타일에 따른 참여동기가 참여행동에 미치는 영향
홍슬아SeulAhHong , 조광민KwangMinCho , 진지형JiHyungChin
45(1) 473-484, 2006
The effect of participation motivation based on Lifestyle of professional baseball woman spectators on participation behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 여성관중의 라이프스타일에 따른 참여동기가 참여행동에 미치는 영향
홍슬아SeulAhHong , 조광민KwangMinCho , 진지형JiHyungChin
The purpose of this study is to suggest a marketing strategy to attract more woman spectators by researching the effect of participation motivation based on lifestyle of professional baseball woman spectators on participation behavior.
Total of 860 woman spectators were surveyed from Seoul(2), Inchon, Suwon, Daejon, Daegu, Busan and Gwangju, of which 717 questionnaires were qualified for the study using convenience sampling method. reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequence analysis and multiple regression analysis were carried in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS Version 12.0.
Following results were obtained through above analysis.
Primarily, it appeared all factors but complaint factor and catharsis factor were correlated, and conservativeness affected all factors in participation motivation factors. Also, achievement appeared to affect catharsis, complaint and social relation factor had an effect on nativeness factor.
Secondly, it showed all factors except nativeness factor and visiting period were correlated. Attachment, thrill and entertaining factors influenced all factors in participation behavior. Game and player factor had an impact on all participation behavior factors but concentration. Catharsis affected visiting frequency, visiting period, awareness of marketing strategies and player strength, and nativeness was related to awareness of player's strength. That is all other factors in participation motivation influenced the awareness of player's strength.
Relationship between the Empowerment to and Organizational Effectiveness of Sports Facilities Organizational Members 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠시설 조직구성원의 임파워먼트와 조직효과성의 관계
이준희JoonHeeLee , 조현민HyunMinCho
45(1) 485-494, 2006
Relationship between the Empowerment to and Organizational Effectiveness of Sports Facilities Organizational Members 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠시설 조직구성원의 임파워먼트와 조직효과성의 관계
이준희JoonHeeLee , 조현민HyunMinCho
This study conducted and analyzed a questionnaire survey targeting 993 organizational members of the sports facilities located in Seoul and six Metropolitan Cities in order to analyze causation between empowerment to and organizational effectiveness of the organizational members. The reliability test by using Cronbach's alpha method has the following results: the empowerment reliability was .9283 and the reliability in organizational effectiveness was .8874. For data analysis, SPSS 10.0 and AMOS 5.0 statistical package were utilized. As a result, the following results have been drawn:
The empowerment to sports facilities organizational members had a positive impact on job satisfaction, and job satisfaction also had a positive impact on organizational commitment in causation between empowerment to and organizational effectiveness of sports facilities organizational members. greater job satisfaction was higher. Empowerment impacted organizational commitment more greatly, when job satisfaction was used as a medium for empowerment.
In conclusion, sports facilities organizational effectiveness improved through realization of empowerment within an organization. Hence, when empowerment is consolidated to maximize organizational performance in managing sports facilities, the organizational members' morale, job satisfaction and organizational commitment improve. For this reason, management activities strengthening empowerment to organizational members are considered to be more effective.
Relationship between Ski Resort CRM and Relation Benefit, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Relation Commitment and Customer Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 CRM과 관계혜택, 고객만족, 신뢰, 관계몰입 및 고객충성도와의 관계
변경원KyoungWonByun , 오현환HyunHwanOh
45(1) 495-513, 2006
Relationship between Ski Resort CRM and Relation Benefit, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Relation Commitment and Customer Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 CRM과 관계혜택, 고객만족, 신뢰, 관계몰입 및 고객충성도와의 관계
변경원KyoungWonByun , 오현환HyunHwanOh
The purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical relationship between ski resort CRM and customer loyalty. Independent variable was the investigated CRM, Mediating variables were relation benefit and customer satisfaction, trust, relation commitment. Finally, dependent variable was customer loyalty.
As the method and the subjects for analyzing the theoretical relationship between the ski resort CRM and the customer loyalty, 862 questionnaires were used without 58 questionnaires which was not pertinent for this study after being collected 920 questionnaires through the convenience sampling method to the ski resort customers in 2004-2005 season.
In order to treat data, after SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 was utilized using frequency analysis for inquiring closely into general characteristic of subjects, AMOS 5.0 was utilized using structural equation model analysis for examination of research hypotheses. The results are as follows:
First, Ski resort CRM did have a significant, positive effect on relation benefit. Second, Ski resort CRM did have a significant, negative effect on customer satisfaction. Third, Ski resort CRM did have a significant, negative effect on trust. Fourth, Ski resort CRM did not have a significant effect on relation commitment. Fifth, Ski resort CRM did not have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Sixth, Relation benefit did have a significant, positive effect on customer satisfaction. Seventh, Relation benefit did have a significant, positive effect on trust. Eighth, Relation benefit did have a significant, positive effect on relation commitment. Nineth, Relation benefit did not have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Tenth, Customer satisfaction did have a significant, positive effect on trust. Eleventh, Customer satisfaction did not have a significant effect on relation commitment. Twelfth, Customer satisfaction did not have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Thirteenth, Trust did have a significant positive effect on relation commitment. Fourteenth, Trust did have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Fifteenth, Relation commitment did have a significant effect on customer loyalty.
Future Directions of Korean Corporate Sports Welfare 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 실업스포츠 복지의 발전방안
45(1) 515-526, 2006
Future Directions of Korean Corporate Sports Welfare 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 실업스포츠 복지의 발전방안
This research considered the managerial regulations of welfare work or welfare legislation for the people of gymnastics in order to offer more desirable developmental plans by analyzing the present welfare conditions.
Welfare facilities, retirement, livelihood protection, athlete treatment, insurance, and pensions were set up as the subordinate factors of the Korean corporate sports welfare and the method of qualitative research was used through a one-on-one talk in this study.
The following is these developmental plans of korean corporate sports welfare.
First, the athletes of corporate sports should consist of an athlete's conference to get their own interests and they require more strong unity and combination of corporate sport athletes than before, after the declaration of democratization June, 29, 1987, according to the effect of tremendous labor-management disputes as labor-management or our government have paid attention to enterprise welfare.
Second, an enterprise should lead to the activity of industrial-educational cooperation and athletes should guide local residents and colleagues as an object to promote their health by spreading physical training for living.
Third, in order to exert the administration of physical training effectively, the executive officials of physical training or government officials who were in charge of the administration of physical training and were mostly taken up general executive posts now should be specialized, and it is required to train the executive officials of physical training or to establish educational systems as well.
Key Words
corporate sports, Welfare, developmental plans
The Influences of Credibility, Familiarity, and Attractiveness of Professional Baseball Team on Loyalty of Licensing Product: Focused on Team Identification 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 구단의 신뢰성, 친숙도 및 매력성이 라이센싱제품 충성도에 미치는 영향: 동일시를 중심으로
45(1) 527-537, 2006
The Influences of Credibility, Familiarity, and Attractiveness of Professional Baseball Team on Loyalty of Licensing Product: Focused on Team Identification 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 구단의 신뢰성, 친숙도 및 매력성이 라이센싱제품 충성도에 미치는 영향: 동일시를 중심으로
This study was to examine the influences of credibility, familiarity, and attractiveness of professional baseball team on loyalty of licensing product focused on team identification. The total number of 300 spectators was sampled from the top three ranked professional baseball teams in the first half year of 2005 season. The questionnaire method was employed. The surveyed spectators filled out the questionnaire with self-administration method. Data were analyzed by SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 and AMOS 4.0. After verifying the goodness of fit of the model by empirical study, the relationships of individual factors were examined. The results are as follows;
First, in the relationship among credibility, familiarity, attractiveness and team identification, it was the familiarity that affect the team identification the most. Second, in the relationship between team identification and affect towards the team, it was found that the team identification had a significant impact on the affect towards the team. Third, the relationship between team identification and the loyalty of the licensing product, the team identification had a significant impact on both the attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Fourth, in the relationship between the affect towards the team and loyalty of the licensing product, the affect towards the team had a negative impact on both the attitudinal loyalty and that of behavioral loyalty.
A Study on Activating Ways of Hapki-do Club Management based on Image Analysis of each Martial arts 인문,사회과학편 : 무도종목별 이미지 분석을 통한 합기도장 경영 활성화 방안
신승호SeungHoShin , 권중기JungKiKwon
45(1) 539-550, 2006
A Study on Activating Ways of Hapki-do Club Management based on Image Analysis of each Martial arts 인문,사회과학편 : 무도종목별 이미지 분석을 통한 합기도장 경영 활성화 방안
신승호SeungHoShin , 권중기JungKiKwon
This study was to offer how to activate management in Hapki-do club through analysis of martial arts image in order to provide basic data, which can overcome spontaneously difficulties in Hapki-do dub. Besides, it gives some practical aid to management of Hapki-ido club to establish superiority in other martial arts competition.
To achieve this purpose, this study choose the samples targeting those who are high school students and publics living in Seoul. Total 540 questionnaires were distributed to seven regions v\tee concentrate on Hapki-do club in Seoul by using convenient quota sampling. The 452 subjects(withdrawal ratio 83.7%) were analyzed. The questionnaire which was used for this study obtained reliability through Cronbach's a as .660~.842 and validity was acquired by using 'factor analysis'. For analyzing data, SPSS V12.0 was used and ’Frequency analysis’, ’Descriptive statistic’, ’Independent t-test’, and ’one-way ANOVA' were adopted.
According to the study procedures, this study was analyzed and following conclusions were derived as follows. First, Kum-do, Taekwon-do, Hapki-do, and ju-do were high in order in preference of martial arts image. Second, in product among marketing mix factors, Kum-do was the highest in suitability of women training, getting rid of stress, age restriction, and concentrating attention and Taekwon-do was higher than Hapki-do and Judo in developing physical strength. Third, in place, Kunvdo was the highest in safety facility, scale, and subsidiary facility. In addition Taekwon-do was the highest in martial arts location Forth, in price(registration fee and equipment), Kum-do was the highest. Fifth, in promotion(intemational image, game rule, and training way), Taekwon-do was the highest. Sixth, Judofconcentration), Hapki-do, Taekwon-do(safety facility) and Kuin-do(registration fee and equipment) were not similar to other martial arts at similarity of marketing mix image in each martial arts. On the other hand, Hapki-do and Kunvdo as well as Judo and Taekwon-do were similar in game rule and training way.
Key Words
Hapki-do, Martial arts, Image, Marketing mix
The Effect of Parent Brand Equity and Perceived Fit of Sport Product Extension on Consumer Attitude toward Product Extension 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 제품군에서 모브랜드자산과 확장제품간의 지각된 적합성이 확장제품의 태도에 미치는 영향
임기태KiTaeYim , 장경로KyungRoChang
45(1) 551-560, 2006
The Effect of Parent Brand Equity and Perceived Fit of Sport Product Extension on Consumer Attitude toward Product Extension 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 제품군에서 모브랜드자산과 확장제품간의 지각된 적합성이 확장제품의 태도에 미치는 영향
임기태KiTaeYim , 장경로KyungRoChang
Despite the acknowledged prevalence and obvious important of using brand extensions as a marketing strategy for introducing new sport product, relatively little is known about the extension of product for successful positioning. Thus, the purpose of this study were to investigate the relationship between the parent brand equity(awareness, perceived quality, loyalty) and perceived fit of sport product extension, and to examine the impact of perceived fit of sport product extension on consumers' attitude toward the product extension.
Data were collected by using convenience sampling method. 256 responded to the questionnaire and 225 surveys were returned usable for the analysis. With this sample, structural equation modeling using LISREL 8.50 was conducted. Results of the study confirmed that parent brand awareness have impacts on forming the positive perceived quality and loyalty of sport brand. Second, perceived quality had impacts on forming the positive loyalty. Third, brand loyalty had impacts on forming the perceived fit of product extension. Finally, the perceived fit of the product extension had impact on consumer attitude.
A study on the relation of image of ballet public performance and reviewing intention 인문,사회과학편 : 발레공연 이미지와 재 관람 의향에 관한 연구
45(1) 561-568, 2006
A study on the relation of image of ballet public performance and reviewing intention 인문,사회과학편 : 발레공연 이미지와 재 관람 의향에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to survey the value level on the image of ballet public performance which is perceived by audience and reviewing intention.
The research analysis is based on the following conclusion.
First, the values of art, education, culture, and public performance atmosphere were ordinary level but image of public performance was low level. And reviewing intention was ordinary level.
Second, females perceived images of art, education and culture more positively than males and the people graduating high school than the people graduating university. For living level category, the high level group than low level group and the married people than singles. And the group which saw performance over five times perceived the image of education most positively.
Third, for reviewing intention, the people graduating high school was comparatively high than the people graduating university. But for social population character, the image of ballet public performance and the reviewing intention is much the same.
Forth, among the variables of image of ballet public performance atmosphere, the factor of performance atmosphere which is most influential affected on reviewing intention.
Key Words
image, reviewing, intention
A Study on the Mask Dances of Shilla Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 신라의 가면극 - 탈춤의 연원을 중심으로 -
45(1) 569-579, 2006
A Study on the Mask Dances of Shilla Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 신라의 가면극 - 탈춤의 연원을 중심으로 -
Old art performances of Shilla Dynasty were divided into the lower small genres below the higher one such as musics, playing of music instruments and dances, and the Shilla dances also into normal dances and mask dances at one hand and single dances and group dances at the other hand. This study has the purpose 切 search and identify all of the irask dances of any form which are recorded in the history books like < SAMKUKSAGI > and < SAMKUKJUSA >. Because previous studies were focused on only two mask dances such as < Choyongmu > and < Keommu > which are very famous in Korean academic cirlces and universities and always need the supplement at once and at any time.
As the result of this study there are newly founded more numbers of mask dances of Shilla Dynasty like < Sazaki >, was a mask dance against the devils in the end of 9th centry and is still performed in the palace today and < Keommu > was a military mask dance which was invented in the middle of 7th centry to console and mourn the fallen soldiers in the war of unification of Shilla Dynasty.
Now these mask dances could be epochally arranged for the further study of the mask dances of Shilla and help confer the basic academical materials of history books.
A Study of Ontological Analysis and Actual Meaning about Dance Movement 인문,사회과학편 : 춤 움직임의 존재론적 해석과 현재성에 관한 의미 연구
황미숙MiSookHwang , 윤희철HeeChulYun
45(1) 581-589, 2006
A Study of Ontological Analysis and Actual Meaning about Dance Movement 인문,사회과학편 : 춤 움직임의 존재론적 해석과 현재성에 관한 의미 연구
황미숙MiSookHwang , 윤희철HeeChulYun
We live by ourselves in the world with culture and each other's ego is formed by culture and modern that means time and space of history. Thus, culture and life-world sometimes make individuals to lost their independence and subjectivity. Inevitably, we express our experience for escaping out of suppressed situations. As result of that, it processes that individuals need to feel to move as free by grafting mediators of environment. And we also feel that this process indulge ourselves in expressing perceived emotion. This study is to state that individual's ego is related to other's in life-world through dance on view point of social relationship. Dance has ontological view as movement of revealed body. Hence, the matrix of dance is based on play culture, which consider that leisure from relation and origin is understood by overall position. Movement is performed by revelation of spirit and movement from dance has a whole shape with technique and skill related to arts. Activity that solve problem about desire is based on the result of movement. Therefore, Ontological physical movement on historical view is expression activity linked with ego and culture identity of dance movement. The relationship between movement and perception of ego and intrinsic identity are closely connected with exchangeable and adaptable existence. Therefore, movement as expression activity in continued time and space is reasonable activity of ego and shaped activity. And physical movement in dance is involved in ontological view linked with actual meaning in modern society.
Key Words
movement, ontologic, culture, ego
An analysis on the index of activation of dancers according to their interests in the dancing copyright 인문,사회과학편 : 무용수들의 무용저작권 관심도에 따른 활성화 지수 분석
백민경MinKyungBack , 김승일SeungIlKim
45(1) 591-601, 2006
An analysis on the index of activation of dancers according to their interests in the dancing copyright 인문,사회과학편 : 무용수들의 무용저작권 관심도에 따른 활성화 지수 분석
백민경MinKyungBack , 김승일SeungIlKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the index of activation of dancers demonstratively according to their interests in the dancing copyright. For this, the investigator conducted a questionnaire survey of 390 dancers who were active in university and other dancing teams in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas in 2005. Among such collected data, 314 dancers' replies were finally used for this study except inappropriate data.
For the tools of measurement in the collection of data, the barometers, developed by Yun Jin-yeong in 2001, were used in the questionnaire by modifying and supplementing them. Study findings are as follows:
First, all the questionnaires that measure the degree of interests and the index of activation for the dancing copyright are reliable and appropriate for the measurement of every conception.
Second, as for the indices of interests/knowledge/participation/ effectiveness in the dancing copyright, those who have the experience of creative choreographing are greater than those who have not, professional dancers than amateurs, and those who have master's degree or above than undergraduate schooling or below, respectively.
Third, as for the difference of activation according to the existence and nonexistence of a copyright registering performance, those who have a copyright registering performance reveal greater knowledge/agreement than those who have not. As for the detailed factors that have influence upon the difference of experience of creative choreographing, those who are professional dancers and have higher schooling have greater knowledge/agreement for the knowledge of activation than those who are amateurs and have less schooling.
Fourth, as for the influence, such detailed factors as interests, knowledge, participation, and effectiveness in the dancing copyright, have upon the activation of knowledge, there is no such an influence except the effectiveness.
Key Words
the index of activation,interests in the dancing copyright
Exploring Life and Working Opportunity After Retirement for Professional Dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용수들의 은퇴 이후 활로개척을 위한 모색
45(1) 603-610, 2006
Exploring Life and Working Opportunity After Retirement for Professional Dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용수들의 은퇴 이후 활로개척을 위한 모색
The life of a dancer has only Spring and Summer. They don't have the luxury of time to spend years maturing their artistry for a rich Fall harvest. Because in Korea this issue has never been publicly discussed, I think we should take care in approaching the question of whether there is a way to make better use of more of the high quality dance graduates (cultural infrastructure) and also to what extent direction is needed to assist professional dancers after they retire from the stage. The most meaningful aspect of our inquiry today is the fact that were able to discuss this problem at all.
The issue of dancer transition support has risen to the surface and caught our attention It is time for us to give our retired dancers another chance to perform or if they finished with their performing careers we should give them support 切 deal with the psychological impact of the change and the reeducation to begin a new phase of their life.
The 80 theaters that have been built in the greater Seoul metropolitan area and in the provinces must be put to active use. On ballet company at each theater would immediately mean 80 new ballet companies. These would provide a variety of cultural services to their communities, and this make a great contribution to upgrading the cultural level of the communities.
Also, arts schools need to be established under the auspices of the performing arts centers. These will provide a route 切 a new career for the dancers who have left the stage, and even for some who are still dancing but want to add new skills to their palatte. And in addition to the arts schools, another strategy will be adding dance classes as electives in the elementary, middle and high schools in the region.
It is essential to establish a retraining center in order to provide qualified specialists who can teach at the arts schools and who can teach elective classes on all levels in the other school.
We will need to hold ongoing discussions to establish a detailed plan for the financing, operation educational programs and qualifications for participation in the transition support center.
Key Words
dancer, retirement
People who dance as a hobby; their Life-styles, and how it is related to their Level of participation in dance 인문,사회과학편 : 생활무용 참여자의 라이프스타일과 참여정도의 관계
45(1) 611-620, 2006
People who dance as a hobby; their Life-styles, and how it is related to their Level of participation in dance 인문,사회과학편 : 생활무용 참여자의 라이프스타일과 참여정도의 관계
This research was conducted to determine existing differences and/or life-styles if any, in the lives of those who participate in dance related exercise programs. The research was conducted on 201 subjects who were selectively narrowed down from Dance and Recreation Centers that are in the city of Seoul and in other cities in the vicinity. In 1992 Ahn Young-pil, Cho Jae-ho, and Cho Man-tae conducted similar researches with resources taken from Chae Suh-il's. Basic Questionnaire and Plummer's AIO Classification System. Appropriate modifications were made to develop surveys based on those formerly used by these men to better serve the research at hand. Factor analysis, Cronbach's a, descriptive analysis, K-Means throng analysis, breakup analysis and Chi Square black methods were used to gather information for this research. Other methods were also used along with those specifically mentioned above to come to the following conclusion regarding the existing differences in the lifestyles of those who participate in dance related exercise programs. First of all, there is a noticeable difference in the life-style of each and every individual depending on the individual. Secondly, depending on each individual's participation level, there is a definite difference in the individual's lifestyle as well. Furthermore, those who are more likely to be prone to depression have lower participation levels. And those who are more accomplishment oriented and have motivation for life in general have much higher participation levels. In conclusion, each individual who participates in dance related exercise programs are different.
Key Words
dance, Life-styles, Level of participation
A Study on Power Relations among Dancers in Ballet Company 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용단원의 권력관계 유형 분석
45(1) 621-631, 2006
A Study on Power Relations among Dancers in Ballet Company 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용단원의 권력관계 유형 분석
The purpose of the study was to explore on power relations among dancers in ballet company. 10 dancers in A ballet company were selected as the key informants using quota selection and ideal case selection. Data were collected mainly through in-depth interviews and supported by participant-observation. Inductive Thematic Analysis were employed for analyzing data. The conclusions were drawn as below.
First, dancers with old age and career establish hierarchical structure, reinforce dominant-subordinate status and appropriation of space for exercising their power. Second, dancers who possess physical and social capital are powerful in relation of competition. Third, dancers as emotional and informational supporter have power in relation of reciprocity.
Key Words
dancers, power relation, order relation, competitive relation, reciprocal relation
The change an aspects of atherogenic index and CVD prognostic score system using exercise stress ECG in the company an officers with men: a 3-years follow-up study 자연과학편 : 3년간 대기업 임원들의 동맥경화 지수 및 운동부하 심전도를 이용한 심혈관계 예후 점수 시스템의 변화 양상
윤성SungYoon , 김남익NamIkKim
45(1) 633-645, 2006
The change an aspects of atherogenic index and CVD prognostic score system using exercise stress ECG in the company an officers with men: a 3-years follow-up study 자연과학편 : 3년간 대기업 임원들의 동맥경화 지수 및 운동부하 심전도를 이용한 심혈관계 예후 점수 시스템의 변화 양상
윤성SungYoon , 김남익NamIkKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes an aspects of long term regular physical activity on atherogenic index and CVD prognostic score system using exercise stress ECG in the company an officers with men. Subjects were 60 middle aged men with company an officers who were 40~55 years old. We enrolled 30 exercise group subjects into the participated 3 years exercise program. In measurement index, body composition analysis were measured of percent body fat and BMI. Blood analysis were measured of T-C, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, T-C/HDL-C, TG/HDL-C, and LDL-C/HDL-C. And exercise stress testing were measured CVD prognostic score system(DTS, VAMCS, GISSI-2, Athens QRS score) using exercise stress ECG. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of repeated ANOVA. Results of this study were as follows; In the atherogenic index, control group were showed increase an aspects at the second test, third test than first test, exercise group were showed decrease an aspects at the second test, third test than first test. In the risk condition of cardiovascular disease using CVD prognostic score system, control group were showed high risk an aspects at the after 3 years than before 3 years, exercise group were showed normal and low risk an aspects at the after 3 years than before 3 years. These data suggest that 3 years regular physical activity participation in middle-aged men with company an officers is an effective to improve body composition, decrease of atherogenic index and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The use of ergometric-derived DTS, VAMCS, GISSI-2, Athens QRS score in predicting after 3-years in risk condition of cardiovascular disease and to develop a simple predictive scoring system from the same database. Conclusionally, middle-aged men with company an officers will no longer be a rare event, and providers have to prepare to treat such patients on a regular basis.
Key Words
Atherogenic index, CVD prognostic score system, Exercise stress ECG, Company an officers, Follow-up study
Effect of Different Aerobic Training Intensity on Blood Melatonin Density in Old Rats 자연과학편 : 유산소성 트레이닝 강도의 차이가 노화된 쥐의 혈중 melatonin에 미치는 영향
김대영DaeYoungKim , 유재협JaeHyeobYu , 안의수EueSooAnn
45(1) 647-653, 2006
Effect of Different Aerobic Training Intensity on Blood Melatonin Density in Old Rats 자연과학편 : 유산소성 트레이닝 강도의 차이가 노화된 쥐의 혈중 melatonin에 미치는 영향
김대영DaeYoungKim , 유재협JaeHyeobYu , 안의수EueSooAnn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of blood melatonin concentration by different exercise training intensity for 6 week in old rats. Twenty-eight Sprague-Dawley rats(32 weeks) were randomized to Pre-treatment group(n=7), Control group(n=7), Moderate-exercise intensity group(n=7), and High-exercise intensity group(n=7). The rats were exercised 5 days per week for 6 weeks after 60% and 80% VO2max adapted. After 6 week treatment, blood samples were extracted and analyzed at midnight when melatonin concentration was the highest. As the experimental result, the melatonin concentration in Pre-treatment group was significantly higher compared to other groups. The melatonin concentration in Moderate-exercise group and High-exercise group were significantly higher compared to the Control group.
In this study, the blood melatonin concentration decreased following to age. Also, blood melatonin concentration by exercise intensity increased in high-exercise intensity. Therefore, it showed positive effect that exercise training increase blood melatonin concentration.
Key Words
melatonin, exercise intensity
Effects of 12-week aquatic exercise on the isokinetic muscular function of knee joint in the elderly women 자연과학편 : 12주간의 수중 운동이 여성 노인의 슬관절 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
김현주HyeonJuKim , 최종환JongHwanChoi
45(1) 655-664, 2006
Effects of 12-week aquatic exercise on the isokinetic muscular function of knee joint in the elderly women 자연과학편 : 12주간의 수중 운동이 여성 노인의 슬관절 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
김현주HyeonJuKim , 최종환JongHwanChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aquatic exercise on the isokinetic muscular function in the older women. Forty volunteers were placed in 2 groups: aquatic exercise group(n=20), and general aerobic exercise group(n=20). The subjects who joined this investigation were asked to participate in the program(3 times/week, 60min/day) for 12 weeks. Muscular strength was evaluated by peak torque and peak torque/BW of the knee extensor and flexors at 60 deg/sec(3 repetitions), endurance by total work and work fatigue of the knee extensor and flexors at 180 deg/sec(26 repetitions), Ispilateral balance ratio, and Bilateral balance ratio using Isokinetic Rehabilitation and Testing System(Biodex system 3 pro., U.S.A.) at the beginning and the end of the 12-week program. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, and repeated two-way ANOVAs were used.
After 12-weeks, the results of the study are as follow; First, most muscular strength, muscular endurance, and bilateral bance ratio in both group were significantly improved. Second, The aquatic exercise group were significantly better than the general aerobic exercise group on muscular strength(right) of extensor, muscular strength of flexor, ispilateral balance ratio, and bilateral balance ratio. Therefore, this study implies that the aquatic exercise may be of benefit to isokinetic muscular function of knee joint in elderly women.
Key Words
aquatic exercise, isokinetic muscular function, the elderly
Effects of Low Intensity Beach Walking Exercise on Immunoglobulin in Elderly Men 자연과학편 : 저강도 해변 걷기운동이 고령자의 면역글로블린에 미치는 영향
45(1) 665-673, 2006
Effects of Low Intensity Beach Walking Exercise on Immunoglobulin in Elderly Men 자연과학편 : 저강도 해변 걷기운동이 고령자의 면역글로블린에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of low intensity beach walking exercise on elderly men`s immunoglobulin. For the purpose, this researcher 6 old men aged 70 or over who had no experience of exercise program participation, had no problem in using motor functions for daily life and agreed to participate in the study. Those men were asked to participate in low intensity beach walking exercise.
Low intensity beach walking exercise were performed two times per week for 12 weeks with RPE 9~10 intensity corresponding to 45~50%HRmax. It is observed that immunogloulin IgA, IgG, IgM. All date were expressed as mean and standard deviations by using SPSS window 10.0 package programs and were analyzed by using paired t-test to evaluate the change of within group.
The following conclusion can be obtained by analyzing and comparing the change of immunoglobulin on low intensity beach walking exercise in the elderly men.
IgA and IgG are increased in 4550%HRmax.
The present study supposed that the low intensity beach walking exercise can have positive effects on immunoglobulin in elderly men. but their concrete and detailed mechanism is not yet explained fully. Elderly people's disease is mainly due to the degeneration of their immunoglobulin. For this reason, exercise intensity suitable for those people should be carefully considered in exercise intensity and exercise program.
Therefore, there needs more continuous and profound researches on the immunoglobulin.
Key Words
Immunoglobulin, Elderly Men
Effects of Yoga and Walking on Pulmonary Function, Hemoglobin and Platelet Patients receiving Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy after Mastectomy 자연과학편 : 요가와 걷기운동이 유방암수술 후 항암과 방사선요법 환자의 폐 환기능력, 헤모글로빈 및 혈소판에 미치는 영향
김미숙MiSookKim , 양점홍JumHongYang
45(1) 675-685, 2006
Effects of Yoga and Walking on Pulmonary Function, Hemoglobin and Platelet Patients receiving Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy after Mastectomy 자연과학편 : 요가와 걷기운동이 유방암수술 후 항암과 방사선요법 환자의 폐 환기능력, 헤모글로빈 및 혈소판에 미치는 영향
김미숙MiSookKim , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to analyze effects of yoga and walking on pulmonary function, hemoglobin and platelet patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy after breast cancer survivors. The program was consisted of yoga and walking, which lasted three-times a week a 50-60 minutes during the 10 weeks. The subjects were conducted by 24 married women (12 in an exercise group and 12 in a control group) in their 40s~50s on the time of post-menopause, who were receiving both chemotherapy and radiation therapy after mastectomy at P hospital in S gu, B metropolitan city. To analyze data, it was used the The SAS for Window V.8e. It were two-way ANOVA with repeated measures to analyze between two groups of pre and post exercise. The results were considered as significance level(a) of all statistics when p value was less than .05 level. The result of the analysis was as follows :
1. The exercise group showed significant improvement in pulmonary function test items of FVC, FEV-1, MVV between two groups yoga and walking.
2. The exercise and control group have no change HB(Hemoglobin) and PLT(Platelet) between two groups yoga and walking.
The present study indicated that yoga and waking program can have positive effects on breast cancer survivors.
Key Words
Yoga, Walking, Mastectomy, Pulmonary function
The Effect of Propolis(WEP) and Vitamin E, C Intake on Fatigue Variable, Scavenging of Free Radical and Reducing of Peroxide induced by Exercise 자연과학편 : 프로폴리스(WEP)와 비타민 E, C 복합섭취가 운동시 피로변인 및 활성산소 소거능, 과산화물 억제에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Propolis(WEP) and Vitamin E, C Intake on Fatigue Variable, Scavenging of Free Radical and Reducing of Peroxide induced by Exercise 자연과학편 : 프로폴리스(WEP)와 비타민 E, C 복합섭취가 운동시 피로변인 및 활성산소 소거능, 과산화물 억제에 미치는 영향
The aim of this work to demonstrate the effect of the intake of propolis(WEP) and vitamin E, C together on DPPH radical scavenging activity(DPPH) and peroxide value(POV) as antioxidant response to oxidative stress and ammonia and lactate as fatigue recovery capacity induced by exercise(4000m at Vo2max 70%). Eighteen taekando players(16-18yr) were randomized in a double-blind manner to among three groups(propolise N=6, 3㎎/day, vitaminE,C N=6, 1000IU vit.E, 2000㎎/day, placebo N=6, 120㎖/day mineral water). Blood sampels were taken before the exercise and immediately, 30min. and 60min after exercise each duration of intake(1time, 1week and 4weeks), and analyzed for DPPH, POV, ammonia and lactate. Significant increases in DPPH level were observed in propolise group after 1week and 4weeks intake compare with placebo(p<.5), whereas, significant decreases in POV level were observed in propolise and vitamin group after 4weeks intake compare with placebo(p<.5). Also, significant decreases Ammonia and lactate level were observed in propolis group after 1week and 4weeks intake compare with placebo(p<.05). These results suggested that intake of propolise and vitamin E, C was positively changed on fatigue variable and oxidative stress induced by exercise.
Under normal resting condition, approximately 95% of oxygen consumed by the cells is reduced via the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase to yield two molecules of water and energy. Oxidative stress is now known to be implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of health disorders, including coronary heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, some forms of cancer, diabetes, skeletal muscular dystrophy, infertility, cataractogenesis, dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS-related dysfunctions, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and skeletal muscle damages during exercise. Vitamin E, besides being a free radical scavenger, is a known inhibitor of lipoxygenases and aids in the reduction of hydroperoxides catalyzed by lipoxygenases. Vitamin C is well-known water-soluble antioxidant and present in the cytosolic compartment of the cell that also enhances the antioxidative action of vitamin E. Polyphenols are found in nuts, apple, black tea, and green tea etc., which is known to have blood lipids lowering effect, and antioxidative effects. Of course, however, these supplements are not the only way to prevent and treatment oxidative stress. Therefore, more study and more investigations are suggested for the healthier life.
Effects of Licorice-Root-Extracted Food Components Ingestion on Blood Lipids Concentration during Exercise in Rats 자연과학편 : 감초추출물 섭취가 흰쥐의 운동 중 혈중 지질농도에 미치는 영향
Effects of Licorice-Root-Extracted Food Components Ingestion on Blood Lipids Concentration during Exercise in Rats 자연과학편 : 감초추출물 섭취가 흰쥐의 운동 중 혈중 지질농도에 미치는 영향
Licorice-root-extracted food components are little known about its functions on blood lipids and antioxidant defense system during exercise or normal condition in human and rodents. Therefore, in this experiment, two extracted components, which glabrol and glabridin are used as the supplement. 18-Sprague Dawley male rats were used as a subjected and were ingested 50 mg/kg of each supplement. Rats were exercise on the moter-driven treadmill final speed at 27 m/min for four weeks. Stored fats and blood glucose, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG) were analyzed by enzymatic methods and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was calculated by the reference. One-way analysis of variance was performed to comparing mean difference. Glabridin ingestion reduces fat accumulation, LDL-C, atherogenic index (AI) and the supplements lowers TG concentration, significantly (p<.05). These results suggested that Licorice-root-extracted food components ingestion might prevent geriatric diseases with exercise training in trained rats.
Key Words
Glabridin, Fat metabolism, Exercise, Rats
The Effect of Different Exercise Intensity on Lipid Metabolism, UCP-3 and CPT-1 Protein Expression Skeletal Muscle in Rats 자연과학편 : 운동부하가 흰쥐의 골격근내 지질대사율과 UCP-3 및 CPT-1 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
권태동TaeDongKwon , 김기훈KiHoonKim , 서혜정HeaJungSuh
45(1) 715-723, 2006
The Effect of Different Exercise Intensity on Lipid Metabolism, UCP-3 and CPT-1 Protein Expression Skeletal Muscle in Rats 자연과학편 : 운동부하가 흰쥐의 골격근내 지질대사율과 UCP-3 및 CPT-1 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
권태동TaeDongKwon , 김기훈KiHoonKim , 서혜정HeaJungSuh
The purpose of this study was to investigate the gene expression related with lipid metabolism according to intensity and duration of treadmill exercise in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into control(CON), high -intensity(H-EX) and low-intensity exercise(L-EX) groups. Rats in L-Ex group were forced to run on the treadmill at the speed of 5m/min for initial 10 min and 10m/min for next 20 min. On the other hand, rats in the H-Ex group were forced to run on the treadmill slope 0 at the speed of 16m/min for initial 10 min, 22m/min for next 20 min, and 25m/min for last 40 min.
Expression of UCP3 of the WG and RG in L-Ex and H-Ex groups was increased compared with control immediately after exercise. Expression of UCP3 of the WG and RG in the H-Ex group was higher than in the L-Ex group.
CPT-1 expression of the WG and RG in the H-Ex group was increased immediately and 6 hr after exercise compared with control. CPT-1 expression of the RG in the H-Ex group was highest 6hr after exercise. CPT-1 expression of the RG and WG in the L-Ex group was not differ among groups.
Palmitate oxidation rate of the RG and WG was increased 0, 6 and 12 hr after exercise in the H-Ex group, and 0 and 6 hr after exercise in the L-Ex group compared with control. Palmitate oxidation rate of the H-Ex group was higher than in the L-Ex group 0, 6 and 12 hr after exercise in RG, and 0 and 6hr after exercise in WG.In the summary, gene expression of UCP3 and CPT1 that related with lipid metabolism was not significantly affected during 0 to 60 min recovery time by low-intensity exercise, but effected by high-intensity exercise.
In conclusion, exercise intensity and amounts might be have very important role to regulate gene expression related with metabolism.
Key Words
Oxidation rate of Long-chain fatty acid, uncoupling protein, palmitoyltransferase
A Study of Plantar Pressure Distribution in the Propulsive and Sliding Phase during Curling Delivery 자연과학편 : 컬링 딜리버리 시 추진구간 및 활주구간에 대한 족저압력분포의 연구
김현경HyunKyungKim , 유경석KyoungSeokYoo
45(1) 725-734, 2006
A Study of Plantar Pressure Distribution in the Propulsive and Sliding Phase during Curling Delivery 자연과학편 : 컬링 딜리버리 시 추진구간 및 활주구간에 대한 족저압력분포의 연구
김현경HyunKyungKim , 유경석KyoungSeokYoo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinetic variables on the two plantar pressure measurement during Curling delivery. In order to compare the kinetics variables between the Korea national elite groups(N=5) and the registered novice groups(N=5), this study analyzed the % delivery time, the pressure distribution, the force distribution, FTI(force time integral), MF(maximum force), CA(contact area), PTI(pressure time integral) and PP(peak pressure).
The collected data was analyzed using the PEDAR system which is the pressure distribution measuring system. The statistics procedure of this paper was t-test and performed by SPSS(ver 12.0). The obtained conclusion were as follows:
In the % delivery cycle of both the propulsion phase and the sliding phase, The % sliding phase was two times greater than the % propulsion phase in the ratio of 68 : 32.
According to propulsive phase in CA and FTI of the unit mass, there was a significant difference under the right foot(p<.05). But there was no significant difference in the PP, FTI. And according to sliding phase in CA, there was a significant difference under the right foot(p<.05). But the registered novice groups was larger than the korea national elite groups in the mean values of FTI, MF, PTI and PP.
Also, in the two plantar pressure except for the unit mass. there was a significant difference during the back swing phase in the propulsive phase: PTI, CA and PP(p<.05). And the forward phase in the propulsive phase: PTI, AC and MF(p<.05).
In this study, we can concluded that the Korea national elite groups showed the optimum delivery techniques such as the cadence and timing in propulsive phase, and the pressure distribution in the flat-footed sliding phase than the registered novice groups.
Key Words
delivery, plantar pressure, pressure distribution
Analysis of Handball Jump Shoot Motion according to Shooting Direction 자연과학편 : 슈팅방향에 따른 핸드볼 점프슛의 동작 분석
강상학SangHackKang , 손원일WonIlSon
45(1) 735-745, 2006
Analysis of Handball Jump Shoot Motion according to Shooting Direction 자연과학편 : 슈팅방향에 따른 핸드볼 점프슛의 동작 분석
강상학SangHackKang , 손원일WonIlSon
The present study used a video analysis system to quantify the kinematical data of jump shoot motion by male university handball players. From the results of analyzing dynamic variables of jump shoot motion according to shooting direction were drawn conclusions as follows.
1. Time taken in the jumping interval and the early flight interval was slightly long when the shooting direction was right, and time taken in the latter flight interval was slightly long when the shooting direction was left.
2. The distance of shift of the center in the flight interval was generally proportional to the players’ height, and the distance in the early flight interval appeared long in rightside attacks.
3. Release height appeared high when the shooting direction was left, and the distance of hop step was quite long in rightside attacks.
4. Difference in the shoulder angle at the moment of release among players probably resulted from difference in the flexibility of the shoulder joint or the angle appropriate for applying strength to the ball according to physique.
5. The leftward inclination angle of the body at the moment of release was slightly larger in rightside attacks and the frontward inclination angle was slightly larger in leftside attacks. This is understood to maintain the ideal shooting pose according to shooting direction.
6. The contribution of body parts on the ball speed was higher in order of forearm > shoulder joint > upper arm > hand. Thus the contribution of the forearm was highest.
7. In players whose distance between the two legs at the moment of release, their body usually did not incline to the side much. Thus it is considered necessary to correct the right leg in their shooting motion.
Key Words
handball, jump shoot
The elderly`s coupling pattern between the foot and the tibia and its variability during walking 자연과학편 : 노인 보행 시 발과 경골 Coupling 패턴과 Variability
45(1) 747-756, 2006
The elderly`s coupling pattern between the foot and the tibia and its variability during walking 자연과학편 : 노인 보행 시 발과 경골 Coupling 패턴과 Variability
The purpose of this study was to compare the coupling angle between the foot movement in the frontal plane and the tibia movement in the horizontal plane during walking, as well as its variability between old men aged 70 to 80 and young men aged twenties. Twenty-four men, 12 young subjects and 12 old subjects, walked on a walk way at their normal speed. The motion of the lower extremity during walking was recorded using a six-camera Qualisys ProReflex system at operating 200Hz to collect the 3-D coordinates.
To determine the variability, first of all, angular displacement of the foot and the tibia segment in the 3-D was calculated using with Cardan technique and then coupling angle between two segments was determined in a modified vector coding technique. The statistical analyses were repeated for the averages of each of 5 stride phase, mid-stance, toe-off, swing acceleration, swing deceleration, and heel-strike.
The conclusion indicated that the elderly depended on the foot eversion and internal rotation of the tibia during walking and inversion/eversion action of the foot in older group was less than the internal/external rotation of the tibia, but reverse in younger group. In addition, significant difference in coupling angle and its variability from the toe-off to the swing acceleration were observed between two groups(p<.05).
Strength of the internal and external rotators and ROM of shoulder complex in college baseball players 자연과학편 : 대학야구선수의 견관절 복합체의 내,외회전력과 관절가동범위
이신언ShinEonLee , 김홍인HongInKim , 임승길SeungKilLim
45(1) 769-779, 2006
Strength of the internal and external rotators and ROM of shoulder complex in college baseball players 자연과학편 : 대학야구선수의 견관절 복합체의 내,외회전력과 관절가동범위
이신언ShinEonLee , 김홍인HongInKim , 임승길SeungKilLim
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to measure the internal and external rotator peak torque, peak torque % body weight, of the isokinetical shoulder joint, and range of motion in collage baseball players. Also to determine whether significant differences exist between the dominant shoulder joint extremity and nondominant extremity.
Method: Twenty healthy collage baseball players tested bilaterally on Cybex 770 model at 180, 300°/sec for concentric internal and external rotation of the shoulder joint with the arm in 45° of abduction and ROM of shoulder complex in supine position with the arm in 90° abduction. Paired t-test was used to test for differences between shoulder joint extremities for strength and ROM.
Results: No significant difference between the dominant and nondominant shoulder joint was found for strength of internal and external rotators at 180, 300°/sec. No significant difference between the dominant and nondominant shoulder joint was found for strength ratio of internal and external rotators at 180, 300°/sec. But the external rotation ROM with the arm in 90° of abduction was statistically greater in the dominant shoulders than in the nondominant shoulders. Also the internal rotation ROM were statistically less in the dominant shoulders than in the nondominant shoulders. But there was no significance in total ROM.
Conclusion: The throwing shoulder require strengthening of the external rotators, and stretching exercises of the internal rotators to prevent the shoulder joint injuries in collage baseball players.
Key Words
internal rotation, external rotation, external/internal rotation strength ratio, shoulder, baseball players, range of motion
The Algorithm on the Pendulum Model Using Lagrange`s Method 자연과학편 : 라그랑지 방법을 이용한 진자모형의 알고리즘
45(1) 781-787, 2006
The Algorithm on the Pendulum Model Using Lagrange`s Method 자연과학편 : 라그랑지 방법을 이용한 진자모형의 알고리즘
In this paper one discusses algorithms of two intentional model-designs for the pendulum. First model is the applied single pendulum that is applicable to putting of a golf, and swing motions of a balling and a ring in gymnastics. Second model is the double pendulum which is used to represent the swing motion of two segments for the high bar category in gymnastics.
The systems considered here are the swing motion in a ring and a balling and the components of the systems can be changed according to a model-design flexibly. Lagrange's method based on a energy approaching method is implemented as a equation of motion. The solution of a model was solved in Mathematica 5.0.
Conclusively, one is intended to meditate the possibility of applying a pendulum to other sports being necessary to a pendulum.
It hopes to apply Lagrange's method to other sports skill to simulate its motion in the future study.
Key Words
Single Pendulum, Double Pendulum, Lagrange Method, Simulation
Electromyographical analysis of the upper Limb according to application of sports-taping on golf swing 자연과학편 : 골프스윙 시 스포츠 테이핑의 적용에 따른 상지근의 근전도 분석
강현욱HyunYukKang , 문곤성GonSungMoon , 최지영JiYoungChoi
45(1) 789-797, 2006
Electromyographical analysis of the upper Limb according to application of sports-taping on golf swing 자연과학편 : 골프스윙 시 스포츠 테이핑의 적용에 따른 상지근의 근전도 분석
강현욱HyunYukKang , 문곤성GonSungMoon , 최지영JiYoungChoi
The purpose of this study was the electromyographical analysis of the upper limb according to application of sports-taping on golf swing. Six professional players taking active parts in KPGA Professional Tour were selected as the subjects of the study. Right and left side of the Pectoralis Major muscle(PM), Latissimus Dorsi muscle(LD), Trapezius muscle(T), Deltoid muscle(D) were selected. EMG signal was gained by ME3000P8 Measurement Unit and used Surface Electromyography for golf swing motion, and video data being collected by 6mm digital video camera. The result of this study were as follows:
1. In the phase of back swing, LLD was showed less muscle activity in the application of taping than without taping but, LPM, LD, LT muscles were minutely showed high muscle activity in the application of taping.
2. In the phase of back swing, RT was minutely showed high muscle activity in application of taping but, RPM, RLD, RD musceles were showed less muscle activity in the application of taping.
3. In the phase of down swing, LD was minutely showed high muscle activity in application of taping but, LPM, LLD, LT muscles were less muscle activity in the application of taping.
4. In the phase of down swing, RPM, RLD, RT, RDN were showed less muscle activity in application of taping.
Key Words
IEMG, sports taping, muscle activity
Three dimensional Kinematic Analysis of Wrist Shot in Ice hockey 자연과학편 : 아이스하키 리스트 샷(Wrist shot) 동작의 3차원 운동학적 분석
최지영JiYoungChoi , 문곤성GonSungMoon
45(1) 799-809, 2006
Three dimensional Kinematic Analysis of Wrist Shot in Ice hockey 자연과학편 : 아이스하키 리스트 샷(Wrist shot) 동작의 3차원 운동학적 분석
최지영JiYoungChoi , 문곤성GonSungMoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between the segments of the body, the three dimensional anatomical angle according to wrist shot in ice hockey. The subjects of this study were four professional ice hockey players. The reflective makers were attached on anatomical boundary line of body. For the movement analysis three dimensional cinematographical method(APAS) was used and for the calculation of the kinematic variables a self developed program was used with the LabVIEW 6.1 graphical programming(Johnson, 1999) program. By using Eular's equations the three dimensional anatomical Cardan angles of the joint and ice hockey stick were defined.
1. In three dimensional linear velocity of blade the Y axis showed maximum linear velocity almost impact, the X axis(horizontal direction) and the Z axis(vertical direction) maximum linear velocity of blade did not show at impact but after impact this will resulted influence upon hitting puck.
2. The resultant linear velocity of each segment of right arm showed maximum resultant linear velocity at impact. It could be suggest that the right arm swing patterns is kind of push-like movement. therefore the upper arm is the most important role in the right arm swing
3. The three dimensional anatomical angular displacement of trunk in flexion-extension showed flexion all around the wrist shot. The angular displacement of trunk in internal-external rotation showed internal rotation angle at the backswing top and and increased the angle after the impact.. while there is no significant adduction-abduction.
4. The three dimensional anatomical angular displacement of trunk showed most important role in wrist shot. and is follwed by shoulder joints, in addition the movement of elbow/wrist joints showed least to the shot. this study result showed upperlimb of left is more important role than upperlimb of right.
Key Words
anatomical angle, ice hockey, Euler`s equation of angle
Discriminant Analysis on the Development of the Motor Ability Factors in Elementary,Middle,High School Baseball Players 자연과학편 : 초,중,고등학교 야구선수의 운동능력 요인 발달에 대한 판별분석
Discriminant Analysis on the Development of the Motor Ability Factors in Elementary,Middle,High School Baseball Players 자연과학편 : 초,중,고등학교 야구선수의 운동능력 요인 발달에 대한 판별분석
The purpose of this study is to discriminate developmental groups by motor ability factors to provide a guideline for training baseball coaches. The developmental group is classified into 3 groups, that is, elementary, middle and high school baseball players. Subjects are selected 114 players in elementary(32 boys),middle (39 boys) and high(43 boys) school each 2 baseball team
Motor ability factors are measured 18 items; physique 5 items-standing height, body weight, sitting height, chest girth and arm length, physical fitness 9 items-grip strength, sit up(1min), standing long jump, sitting trunk flexion, side step, toe balance; harvard step test, hole body reaction time and selected reaction time, and baseball ability 4 items-baseball long throwing, long batting, catching and throwing to the first baseman (accuracy), and corrected batting.
Multiple discriminant analysis is used to determine if the selected motor ability tests are sensitive to differentiate among 3 developmental groups and successfully to classify individual player in the developmental level. During the process of analysis, stepwise method that starts with a variable to make Wilks' Lamda the smallest.
The results of the analyses are as follows,
1. MANOVA shows that there is a significant difference(p<.001) among 3 developmental groups in the selected 6 motor ability tests; baseball long throwing, toe balance, long batting, standing long jump, selected reaction time and sitting trunk flexion These variables are high explained(R2 = .836) to discriminate 3 developmental groups.
2 Discriminant function analysis is made up of two functions extracted significant (p<.001). The first function(92.1% of total variation) is baseball power represented by baseball long throwing and long batting that can separate 3 developmental groups. The second function(7.9% of total variation) is basic physical fitness represented by balance, selected reaction time, power and flexibility that can separate between elementary and middle groups.
3. The result show that 85.%% of the 3 developmental baseball groups are correctly classified into their respective group by the 2 discriminant function scores and the cross-validity 83.33%.
Key Words
school baseball players, developmental groups, Motor ability, Multiple discriminant analysis
The Relationship of Physique, Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and Personality Type with Sasang Constitution 자연과학편 : 사상체질과 체격, 체력, 신체조성 및 성격유형과의 상관관계
최현민HyunMinChoi , 김형돈HyungDonKim
45(1) 823-834, 2006
The Relationship of Physique, Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and Personality Type with Sasang Constitution 자연과학편 : 사상체질과 체격, 체력, 신체조성 및 성격유형과의 상관관계
최현민HyunMinChoi , 김형돈HyungDonKim
The purpose of this research were to define interrelationship with Sasang constitution and physique, physical fitness, body composition, personality type of University students and provide reference data for developing a exercise program based on Sasang constitution The subjects of this research are total 350 persons of University students, who were consisted of 30 persons of Taeeumin and 29 persons of Soyangin and 27 persons of Soaimin except no persons of Taeyangia 218 persons were excluded from the study because they contained unnecessary answers about papers or the persons who disappeared Sasang constitution through the first and second diagnosis test, Measurement variables were consisted of 7 regions of the physique and 9 factors of the physical fitness by strength(2)/ muscular endurance(2), flexibility(l), balance(l),agility(l), cardiovascular endurance(l), speed and power(l) and 5 factors of the body conposition by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry: DEXA and 8 types of personality type by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator( MBTI).
These data were analyzed by the One Way ANOVA and Crosstab Analysis, using Windows SPSS/PC 12.0 specific program. The results were summarized as follows;
1. In the relationship of physique and Sasang constitution, Taeeumin's body weight was heavier compared with other kinds of constitutions with significant level. And in the neck, chest, wrist and hip circumference Taeeumin was significantly higher than other constitutions(p<.05).
2. In the relationship of physical fitness and Sasang constitution, Soyangin was superior to other constitutions in muscular endurance and flexibility(p<.05).
3. In the relationship of body conposition and Sasang constitution, Taeeuinin was significantly higher than other constitutions in bone mass component, bone mass density, total fat mass, fat free mass, fat mass(p<.05).
4. In the relationship of personality type and Sasang constitution, each constitutions personality type only showed significantly differences only in the extraversion and introversion(p<.05).
Key Words
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Questionnaire for Sasang Constitution
The Relationships between Functional Fitness, UPDRS, and QOL in Patients with Parkinson`s Disease 자연과학편 : 파킨슨병환자의 기능적 체력과 장애평가척도, 삶의 질의 상관관계
성혜련HyeRyunSung , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
45(1) 835-845, 2006
The Relationships between Functional Fitness, UPDRS, and QOL in Patients with Parkinson`s Disease 자연과학편 : 파킨슨병환자의 기능적 체력과 장애평가척도, 삶의 질의 상관관계
성혜련HyeRyunSung , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
The purpose of this study was to examine correlation with functional fitness, UPDRS, and QOL of the Parkinson’s disease(PD). The result of Persons correlation coefficient for 33 subjects as follows;
1. Correlation with functional fitness and UPDRS
Totally, muscular strength/endurance relate with the mental, motor exam, T-UPDRS, H&Y stage, and SEADL. Agility and dynamic balance relate with mental, motor exam, T-UPDRS, H&Y stage, and aerobic endurance relate with T-UPDRS, motor exam, T-UPDRS, H&Y stage, and SEADL.
Male PD patients7 lower-body muscular strength/endurance relate with motor exam, T-UPDRS, H&Y stage, and SEADL and upper-body muscular strength/endurance relate with ADL, motor exam, T-UPDRS, and SEADL. Also, agility and dynamic balance relate with mental, motor exam, T-UPDRS, H&Y stage, and SEADL.
Female PD patients’ lower-bodv flexibility relate with ADL, H&Y stage, and SEADL and upper-body muscular strength/endurance, agility and dynamic balance relate with H&Y stage.
2. Correlation with functional fitness and QOL
Totally, lower-body muscular strength/ endurance and aerobic endurance relate with the QOL, Parkinson symptoms(P), emotional functioning(E)/ systemic symptoms(Sys), social functioning(Soc). Upper-body muscular strength/endurance relate with QOL, P, E, and Soc. And agility and dynamic balance relate with QOL, E, Sys, and Soc.
Male PD patients' lower-body muscular strength/endurance relate with QOL, P, E, Sys, and Soc. Upper-body muscular strength/ endurance relate with QOL, P, E, and Sys. And aerobic endurance relate with QOL, and P.
Female PD patients' lower-body muscular strength/endurance and aerobic endurance relate with Soc.
Key Words
Parkinson`s disease, UPDRS, functional fitness, QOL
The Effects of Rope Jumping Exercise having on Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density of he Children with Mental Retardation 자연과학편 : 줄넘기 운동이 정신지체아의 체력과 신체조성 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향
45(1) 847-855, 2006
The Effects of Rope Jumping Exercise having on Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density of he Children with Mental Retardation 자연과학편 : 줄넘기 운동이 정신지체아의 체력과 신체조성 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to emphasize the importance of exercising programs for the children with mental retardation and present basic materials to develop effective exercising programs to improve their physical fitness (strength muscular endurance, power, flexibility, balance and cardiorespiratory endurance), body composition(%fat, soft lean mass, waist-hip ratio and BM) and bone mineral density(BQI/ SOS, BUA, T-score) by applying rope jumping for the children with mental retardation To achieve the purpose of these study, it was conducted on 22 subjects(experiment group of 11 subjects and control group of 11), 60 minutes per session, three times a week, for 12 weeks. The results derived from the tests were as follows.
1. The changes in physical fitness of the experiment group and the control group before and after rope jumping showed improvement in average physical fitness in grasping power, sit-ups, hopping and bending forward but did not show any statistically significant difference. However, standing on one foot with eyes closed showed increase in average with pre-test average of 2.63 and post-test average of 10.48, and also showed statistically significant difference(t―3.979, p<.01). Heart beats also showed statistically significant decrease since exercise was given with pre-test average of 9818 and post-test average of 81.81. On the other hand there was no significant difference in all factors of physical fitness measurement in control group before and after rope jumping exercising program
2. Since rope jumping was conducted, the average of waist-hip ratio of the experiment group was reduced from .87 before exercise to .82 in after exercise, which means statistically significant difference(t=1.97B, p<.05) in body composition Except 仕lis, %fat, BM1 and soft lean mass was improved after exercise but it was not statistically significant difference. In the control group, there was no statistically significant difference in % fat, waist-hip ratio, BM and soft lean mass.
3. The changes in bone mineral density before and after exercise was showed statistically significant difference in BUA(t=-2.877/ p<.01) and T-Score(t=-2.877/ p<.01) of the experiment group. But, the BQI and SOB in the experiment group and all the aspects of bone mineral density in the control group did not show statistical significant difference.
Key Words
rope jumping, mental retarded, physical fitness, body composition, bone mineral density
The Effects of Fundamental Physical Fitness of Tennis Players on Sports Injuries 자연과학편 : 테니스 선수의 기초 체력이 스포츠 상해에 미치는 영향
김상욱SangWookKim , 구우영WooYoungKu
45(1) 857-868, 2006
The Effects of Fundamental Physical Fitness of Tennis Players on Sports Injuries 자연과학편 : 테니스 선수의 기초 체력이 스포츠 상해에 미치는 영향
김상욱SangWookKim , 구우영WooYoungKu
This research was done for the tennis players to prevent them from being injured and to help them increase the effects of training and their athletic performance of the matches by analyzing how their physical fitness can affect sports injuries.
In this research, ninety-seven high school tennis players, both boys and girls, were surveyed and tested on sports injuries. Their fundamental physical fitness was tested by muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, agility, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance through χ2, t-test, K-S test and Logit Regression tests.
The results are as follows.
1. Sports injuries, which high school tennis players sustained, didn't show any difference in gender but in time. They showed the highest level of injuries during their third to sixth year of their careers. The rate of sports re-injuries is higher in male tennis players than female tennis players. And also, muscle and tendon sprains happened in their lower limbs quite often and they gave first-aid for themselves when they were injured in most occasions.
2. For boys, it showed that they believed that sports injuries were caused by the lack of physical fitness. But there was no difference between the thoughts of boys and girls that strengthening physical fitness can prevent the sports injuries. For girls, they supposed that the coaching methods can be one of the factors that cause sports injuries, so they need the coaches' carefulness in training them.
3. This research showed that the more excellent muscular strength and flexibility the boys have, the more they can protect themselves from being injured. For girls the more excellent muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance they have, the more they can prevent themselves from sports injuries. As a result, the factors of the physical fitness affecting sports injuries are different between boys and girls.
Key Words
tennis player, fundamental physical fitness, sports injuries, injured group, no injured group
Developing regression model for estimation of % body fat from body mass index 자연과학편 : BMI 지수를 활용한 체지방 추정식 모형
45(1) 869-878, 2006
Developing regression model for estimation of % body fat from body mass index 자연과학편 : BMI 지수를 활용한 체지방 추정식 모형
Among anthropometric measurement, body mass index(BMI) is reliable and easy-to-perform indicator of adiposity in children as well as in adults. Few studies have attempted to analysis complex relationship between body mass index and demographical background in epidemiological study. The present study highlights the influence of sex and age effect on % fat estimation from body mass index. Cross-sectional data obtained from adults aged 20-92 in S public health center in Seoul(n=3659) were used. Statistical analyses were performed using R(2.1.1). The results confirmed that there was strong relationship sex and age interaction effect in estimation body fat from body mass. These interaction effects in estimating % fat by BMI warrant further investigation into the use of sex and age-specific BMI cutoffs in clinical settings to more accurately identify individuals at risk of obesity.